21. Maleficent

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causing harm or destruction; especially by supernatural means

Starting that very night, Tyler lived with Mark, Brendon, and Sarah. He still continued to go to school with them and see Josh everyday. He still mourned over Jenna's death, but he knew she would want him to carry on with life.

On days when the three friends would leave the house, Tyler stayed home and cleaned, washed, sewed, and knitted. Before they'd leave, they would warn Tyler to not let anyone in while they were gone.

At school, Debby kept a close eye on Tyler. She seemed satisfied with killing Jenna because she thought it would ruin Tyler's reputation, but when she saw how happy he was, her satisfaction faded.

After seeing Tyler and Josh together, her disgust starting growing in her. She ran off to a nearby hiding place and pulled out her mirror.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest of all?"

Once again, words popped up on the mirror.

Tyler Joseph is the loveliest of all.

When she learned the truth, anger and fear flowed through her body and her face turned red like she was going to turn into the devil.

"This cannot be!" She yelled. "I thought my plan was going to work! I guess I'll have to take it a step further."

After the bell rang, Debby grabbed her things and ran off to the janitor's closet. People believed she would hide in there with Josh so they could make out, but in reality, she used it as her own lab.

People had no idea that Debby was capable of using magic to make people do what she wanted, or do something supernatural that could harm someone.

She realized that the only way to get Josh back and gain back her reputation was to kill Tyler.

Using the power of witch craft, Debby changed herself into the form of her sewing teacher, Mrs. Miller.

Then, she took a black piece of ribbon, stretched it, and put a dark potion onto it.

"This will finish you off for good Tyler Joseph."

Once she was ready, she walked out into the hallway. Nobody recognized that she was actually Debby Ryan in disguise. It seemed the witch craft helped her out.

After hours of searching, she found herself in the boys locker room, and that's when she started hearing the sound of singing.

Feel my blood runnin, swear the sky's fallin
I know that all this shit's fabricated
Time goes by and I can't control my mind
Don't know what else to try, but you tell me every time

Debby followed the voice.

Just keep breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin

I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin

Just keep breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin

I know I gotta keep, keep on breathin

As she looked, she found that it was Tyler.

"Wow, he does have a beautiful voice."

She pulled out the ribbon.

"But not for long."

As he continued to sing, Debby snuck up behind him and wrapped the ribbon around his waist and pulled it as tightly as he could, so tightly that Tyler lose his breath and fell to the floor unconscious.

"You used to be the most lovely." She laughed. "But now, I am once again the loveliest of all!"

Debby ran away, leaving Tyler's unconscious body on the floor.

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