27. Resuscitate

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revive someone from unconsciousness or apparent death

Josh looked up to Sarah. She could see the look of denial and disbelief in his eyes.

"That's impossible." He said. "It can't be me, and even if it was me, it wouldn't work."

"Of course it could." Sarah said. "You love Tyler and you would put your life before his. If you truly love him, then it can save him."

Josh looked up to Mark and Brendon.

"She's got a point." Mark said.

"Besides, you don't want Tyler to die, do you?" Brendon asked.


"Then do it, and bring him back to us."

Josh looked around to everyone else that crowded around him. They all nodded their heads to Sarah's suggestion. They all wanted Josh to do it. Still, he didn't think it would work.

He only knew Tyler for a short amount of time, and it didn't take until he fit the shoe on him to know he was his true love, even when he came to visit him that night. He didn't think doing it would wake him up.

Even if it weren't the case, Josh loved Tyler and cared about him very much. He didn't want him to die.

Without any other options, Josh chose to do it.

He pulled the lifeless body close to him, leaned down onto his sweet face, and kissed him.

Everyone stood and watched as Josh kissed the boy he loved. They all were shocked that he done it, and they had no idea it was going to happen. Some didn't think it could be done. But for Sarah, Mark, and Brendon, it could.

Josh took his lips off the boy and placed him back into his arms; waiting for him to awaken.

During the time, people started doubting that it would work. Some were in tears because they thought Tyler was truly dead. Even the three friends started to mourn once again.

Josh looked down onto Tyler, with tears fell from his eyes. He hugged him to his chest.

"Please don't leave me alone."

Suddenly, the boy started breathing again. He opened his eyes and started to regain consciousness. Josh looked back down and saw that he had woken up.

Tyler looked up to Josh and smiled.

"Don't worry Josh, I'll never leave you."

Josh embraced the boy, while everyone started clapping and cheering. The three friends gathered around Tyler and hugged on him. They were overjoyed to see their best friend alive once again.

Sarah looked at Josh; smiling.

"You did it." She told him. "You broke the spell."

"Yeah, I did."

Tyler touched his cheek.

"You saved me."

Josh smiled and touched his cheek.

"I'll always save you."

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