15. Devotion

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love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause

The high school fairy tale ball has just begun. People are dressed up in the fanciest clothes they could wear. Everyone was dancing and having a good time.

Mark, Sarah, and Brendon were gathered in the middle of the ballroom sharing punch and singing along to the music that was playing, while Josh and Debby were off to the side.

Josh wanted to escort Tyler to the ball himself, but he talked him out of it. He wanted to surprise him so he got Jenna to take him instead.

When he first arrived, Debby pulled him close. She still thought he wanted her, but in reality, he didn't.

"Aren't you having a good time?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah." Josh said; nervously.

Debby starring unbuttoning her dress.

"Are you sure?"

Debby was trying to seduce him. Josh got frightened. He wanted to run away but he knew  she wouldn't let him go.

However, before he could prepare for the worst, he looked up to see a boy standing among the stairway to the ballroom.

It was Tyler.

When Josh saw him, he couldn't believe his eyes

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When Josh saw him, he couldn't believe his eyes. He looked so beautiful, like a star in the moonlight. Even Debby herself was stunned.

Josh started making his way through the crowd to meet him at the entrance of the ballroom. Tyler slowly walked down the stairway to meet up with Josh.

After a few short moments, Tyler and Josh stand together; looking into another's eyes.

"You came." Josh said.

"I did." Tyler replied.

"What took you so long?"

"I wanted to look good, for you."

Josh smiled; taking his hand and walking him to the middle of the ballroom. They began to dance together while everyone else watched.

Tyler's friends were shocked at Tyler's appearance and the fact that he's devoted his life to Josh.

"I've never seen Tyler look so beautiful before." Sarah said.

"Neither have I." Brendon replied. "I kind of like it."

"Can we all be happy that Tyler is enjoying his life with Josh?" Mark asked. "We were all against at first, but now we must accept it."

Brendon nodded.

"I agree, and he will always be our best friend."

Sarah wrapped her arm underneath Brendon's arm; laying her head against his shoulder.

Debby watched Josh dance with Tyler from outside the crowd. She was shocked, and enraged. She hid behind a corner and pulled out her mirror.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest of all?"

Words appeared on the mirror, along with an image of Tyler dancing with Josh.

Tyler Joseph is the loveliest of all.

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