5. Irresistible

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too attractive and tempting to be resisted

Tyler saw a strange looking boy walking down the hallway. He was tall, had pink hair, ear gauges, and a nose ring.

He also had a sleeve tattoo on his left arm. And he looked as beautiful as a punk angel. Tyler couldn't help but look.

Brendon noticed Tyler was looking that way. He knew was his eyes were focusing on.

"Have you ever seen him before?" He asked.

"No." Tyler replied. "Who is that?"

"That's Joshua Dun. He's a senior. He's been here way longer than we have. And from what I can tell, he's pretty well liked."

"He's cute."

Brendon chuckled.

"We all know you like guys Tyler. You say that about all of them."

"I know, but Josh."

"Tyler, he's way older than you."


Brendon touched his shoulder.

"Tyler, Josh is not a guy's dream. Not all seniors are good hearted. I mean, I don't know Josh and I don't think he's the kind of guy for you."

The bell rang.

"We'll talk later, okay?"

Brendon took Sarah's hand and they walked down the hall.

"See ya man." Mark said; patting Tyler's back before leaving.

Tyler was now all alone; wandering in the school hallways.

However, he wasn't alone for much longer.

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