7. Surmise

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suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it

During lunch, Tyler walked over to the table Brendon, Sarah, and Mark sat at. He also looked over to see Josh sitting with his friend, which was a girl.

When Josh saw Tyler, he waved to him. However, the wave was cut short by the girl. It was unknown on way she did it, but it didn't seem to bother him as much.

Of course, Tyler waved back before the girl stopped it. He calmly sat down with his friends; still having Josh on his mind.

Josh was looking at Tyler the whole time. The girl noticed.

"Why are you looking at him?" She asked.

"I met him in the hallway." Josh replied.

"He's a freshman, you're too young to talk to him."

"Debby, it's okay to be friends with people in the younger grade."

"No way." She said; pulling him aside.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a hand mirror. Josh knew what was coming.

"Do we have to do this again?"

"Oh yes we do." Debby said; excitedly.

She looked into the mirror.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest girl of all?"

She handed the mirror to Josh.

"Debby Ryan, you are the loveliest girl of all."

The girl laughed; hugging Josh.

Tyler's friends noticed the commotion going on with Josh and Debby. It seemed like they were enjoying it.

When they looked back to Tyler, they saw that he kept his mind focused on them as well.

"Tyler, are you going to eat?" Brendon asked.

"Of course Bren!" The boy cried.

"Why haven't you?" Mark added.

"Is because of Josh?" Sarah said.

"Guys, guys, that ain't true."

"Tyler, you know Josh is way older than you. And Debby is actually his girlfriend."

"He doesn't look like he's enjoying her."

"We don't see any signs of that." Mark said.

"Seriously, how do you know? We starting coming here."

"I've seen Josh at a lot of Brendon's shows. He's a big fan of Panic!"

Tyler looked away.


"Look, I'm sure you'll find some other guy. It'll work out, I promise."

Tyler wanted to agree, but thinking about Josh didn't encourage him enough.

He wanted him.

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