3. Impression

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an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on a basis of little evidence

15 minutes later, Tyler and Jenna arrived at the high school. Seeing that there were kids outside, Tyler rolled his window down to see them, and it shocked him.

They didn't look like normal kids. They all were in different colors and some had their faces in weird shapes or sizes. It was like they were mythical creatures.

Afraid, Tyler rolled his window back up. Jenna saw how frightened he was.

"What's wrong Tyler?"

"Those kids don't look like normal kids."

Jenna rolled down Tyler's window to look herself. Seeing them, she giggled.

"They're just kids Tyler. I used to dress like that sometimes."


"Yeah, it does look weird until someone tells you otherwise."

The boy smiled.

"You're the best Jenna."

"I'm glad you think so."

Jenna kissed the boy on the forehead before she allowed him to get out the car.

"Have a good day at school."

As he started to make his way over to the school, Jenna called to him; making him turn his head back to her.

"I love you."

Tyler smiled.

"I love you too."

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