12. Esteem

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respect or admiration; typically for a person

Before lunch, Tyler and Josh stopped by the front office because Josh needed to pick up something.

While waiting, Tyler looked over and saw some fliers laying on a table by the entrance. He went over and picked up one of them.

"What's this?"

High School Fairy Tale Ball
This Friday - 7:00 till midnight
Must to school to attend

Tyler smiled as he read the flier. This gave him a good opportunity to get to know Josh more.

He turned to him as he made his way towards the table.

"What did you find Tyler?"

"I found a flier." He said. "I don't know if you'd be interested."

He hands him the flier.

"I heard about this." Josh said as he read it. "I planned on taking Debby, but I'm not sure."

"Why not?"

"She's been acting selfish. It's almost like she only cares for herself. And she comes to me all to time to ask if she's pretty."

"Why would she do that?"

"She's very aesthetic. It's all she cares about. I refuse to take someone like that to the ball."

He touches his chin.

"I'd rather take you."

"W-Would you really?"

"Of course."

Tyler smiled; softly blushing.

"Okay. I'll do it."


Tyler and Josh smiled and giggled for the remainder of the time they had together.

Outside the office, Debby was  secretly watching them. When she heard of Josh's betrayal, she was infuriated.

"That stupid senior!" She yelled. "I can believe he did this to me! And I think I know who the loveliest of all is."

She ran off to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. She pulled out her mirror.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest of all?"

Words appeared on the mirror.

Debby Ryan, you are not the loveliest of all.

"Who is it?"

Tyler Joseph

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