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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

It has been a month now that Kelsey and I have been engaged. Also, in case you were wondering, Acacia did have a baby, but it is Sam's not mine. Thank God. Nothing much has happened over the past month, everything is pretty calm. Kelsey and I decided that we should start our planing pretty soon. She seems really stressed about it. Everyone keeps telling her to chill, but that just makes her more upset.

"CONNOR!" I hear her yell from upstairs. I run upstairs "yes darling?!" I say. She sits down on the bed and pats the spot on the bed next to her signaling for me to sit down there. I take a seat. She grabs my hands and places them on top of hers.

"honey..." she says. She looks all excited I don't know why.

"yes..." I say.

"we should really start planning the wedding.I mean I already planned like half of it but.. uhhh" I laughed at her.

"okay well what do you need me to do?" I say, then I kiss her on the cheek.

"Well we have to pick a date, I still have to get a dress, you have to get your tux, then you have to pick your best man and groomsmen. Make a list of people you want to invite. I have some pictures of different themes and cakes and flowers and all that so you can look through those." by the time she finished speaking, she was out of breath.

"Babe, calm down, the wedding is Probably not going to be for another like 9 months at the least!" I pause for a second giving her a chance to think.

"And of it makes you happy I will look through the pictures, then I will pick my groomsmen best men and whatever else you need me to do." I smile at her and she smiles back she kissed me on the cheek

"I love you" she says, then she walks out the door.

I go over to my laptop. I look at a file named "wedding!" I click on it. it read "384 pictures" at the top. I groan at the thought of having to go through all these pictures. I look through them. To be honest, I really don't care what flowers or theme or even who's at the wedding. As long as she is there, and we are both happy, that's all that matters to me.

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