Setting a date

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***KELSEY'S P.O.V.***

It's been 2 weeks since Connor has been home from the hospital. Everything has calmed down and I think it's finally time to get serious about planning for the wedding. I sat Connor down at the table.

"Connor, I think we need to set a date for the wedding" I said, seriously.

"Ok." he said, more like groaned. He didn't like all this planning and everything. After about 30 minutes we had our date, April 16th. We picked out a few more things and ordered some things too. Our wedding was going to be on the beach, I always wanted a beach wedding. Our guest list was huge and it was kind of a tumblr type theme. I was so happy with everything that we picked out. I had had my wedding dress picked out and I was going in for a fitting next week, they said it has just come in. It was a mermaid style, satiny and a sweetheart neckline, it had a little belt with tons of diamonds on it. I was truly in love with it. The bridesmaids dressed were long and sparkly, and we all got matching heels! I was so excited. Connor and his groomsmen were going out today to find tux's. We said we wouldn't show each other the outfits we choose till the wedding. I couldn't wait! Connor left around 3 to go out with the guys and pick out the tux's. I decided to film a video. A q and a.

"Hey guys, it's me kelsey!" I said.

"The last time you saw me, I was with Connor and we told you we were getting engaged! and so today i'm doing a q and a." I scrolled through my twitter time line.

"@connorfrannie asks when's the wedding?!, the wedding is going to be April 16th!" I scrolled down some more.

"@leamiyla asks, where's connor?, and he is giving birth, just kidding he's buying tuxedos, at least I think..." I said then smirked. I finished the video, all the questions were about the wedding or Connor. I edited it then uploaded it. I was surprised I didn't get any hate! I decided to go through other things on youtube, and just watch random videos, I watched recent o2l videos, and I watched "thatssojack" and Jenn and Andreas videos, I decided to look up Bethany's channel. her latest video was uploaded yesterday. I clicked on it.

"Hey guys it's me beth, and today I'm just making a short vlog so let's go on with the day!" she just filmed random things and then I saw her film her and Connor at Starbucks.

"Ok so, right now Connor and I are at Starbucks! and we are having a grand old time," I shut the laptop, I couldn't watch anymore, I know Connor didn't like her, but I knew she was in love with him. I tried not to cry, it was no use, I guess Kian heard me because he came in,

"what's wrong?" he asked leaned over to me and hugging me, he was a good brother.

***KIAN'S P.O.V.***

I heard Kelsey crying so I went in to check on her, there she was sitting on the bed crying with the laptop in her lap.

"What's wrong?" I said, then I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder,

"B-b- Bethany, she's in love with Connor and they kissed and they went to Starbucks, Connor doesn't like her but I-I-it just hurts!" she said crying.

"Aww, well I know Connor loves you, and he wouldn't leave you for Bethany, you guys are getting married! And it's time to be excited! right now he's buying a tux! for your wedding might I add, and if he doesn't love you, you literally live in a house full of people who do kels," I said to her. She cried into my shoulder.

"Thanks kian, I love you, your a good brother." she said. I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"I love you too." I said. "hey, wanna know a secret?" I said to her. she perked up and her eyes lit up,

"Of course!" she said, anxious to know.

"Well, I have a girlfriend!" I said.

"Shut up!" she said and slapped me playfully. "who is it?!" she said.

"Andrea...." I said smirking.

"Aww I'm so happy for you two!" she said smiling.

"Yea, thanks" I said smiling. "if I leave, you'll be okay?" I asked.

"Yeppp" she said and then I left. I loved having her as my sister.

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