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***CONNOR'S P.O.V.***

The next morning I woke up to see Marilynn wasn't in bed, I texted her to ask where she was.

ME: Marilynn franta! where are you?

An hour later she texted back

Marilynn: I woke up late, I got ready and ran out the door to the bus, sorry I didn't want to wake up, now I have to go 3rd period is starting! bye!

That made more sense, When Kelsey woke up I explained to her why Marilynn wasn't home. Although, She didn't seem to notice, I went downstairs along with Kelsey and she made breakfast. She gave Luke some medicine and she placed him back in his crib. I sat down at the table and went onto tumblr. Kelsey continued to make breakfast and I went on tumblr. Trevor came downstairs and sat at the table.

"Hey trev" I said.

"Mornin" he said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"So how's you and Marilynn?" asked kelsey.

"Wellllll" he said stretching the "L"

"Well what?" I asked.

"You see, Marilynn and I are kinda sorta dating now..." he said.

"Aw you too make a cute couple!" said Kelsey.

"Thanks" trevor laughed.

"I'm glad it's you and not Wes, but if you break her heart or hurt her your done trev." I said.

"Completely understand." he said and Kelsey placed an breakfast down for me and Trevor and she down down her self. It was nice that it didn't seem awkward with Trevor and I, it seemed as if it always does.


After 4th period I went back to my locker and Wes was at his. We haven't talked since the bus incident.

"Wes I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way, I just don't feel the same way, I love you, but as a friend." I said.

"That's how it's always gonna be then?" he asked.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Well, Trevor is famous, then your going to become famous and... forget about me." he said.

"Wes! I will never forget about you." I said.

"That's what you say now." he said and slammed his locker shut and left. I continued my day moping through school, After I got off the bus, I walked home alone. It felt weird to walk home alone, I didn't like it. I got home and Trevor opened the door.

"Hey trevy" I said and hugged him, his hugs were the best, they made me feel safe.

"How was school" he asked.

"Schoolish" I said and he laughed.

"So I told Your mom and dad about you and me" he said then waited for my reaction, I didn't care to be honest.

"well how did they take it?" I asked.

"Good, You dad is actually happy I'm dating you and your mom was really sweet about it." he said,

"Oh good!" I said happily.

"Wanna make a video with me?" he asked.

"Sure" I said and we headed upstairs to my room, Jenn was at preschool so she wasn't there, I was wondering where mom and dad were though. We got up to my room and trevor set up his camera, we sat on the bed.

"Helooooo lovely people!" he said.

"Today I am joined my the amazing, Marilynn franta!" he said, putting his arm around me, I waved.

"Today we are doing the girlfriend/boyfriend tag because we are now a couple.." he said.

"Ok, so first question, Where did you meet?" he asked

"We met at this very house!" he said. We continued on with the tag and then he ended the video.

"I love you all and goodbye!" he said and covered the camera.

"Well that was fun!" I said.

"Yea" he said and leaned and kissed me.

I heard the door open and I walked downstairs to see Mom and Dad, Luke wasn't with them.

"Hi mom, hi dad, where's luke?" I asked.

"He's at the hospital" she said.

"What why?!" I said.

"He has a really bad illness, they aren't sure what it is but they don't think he will make it." Dad said as mom cried into his chest.

"Oh" I said, that's really all I could think of. I started to cry too, I ran upstairs and just sank into my bed crying. I soon heard footsteps come upstairs and into my room. It was trevor.

"It's going to be okay." He said.

"No trevor, it's more than just this." I said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Wes, he's mad I'm dating you because he likes me and he thought I felt the same way, now he hates me and he thinks your going to become all famous and so am I and then I will forget about him." I said.

He put his arm around me and I cried into his shoulder.

"Don't listen to him, he obviously doesn't care because he's not supporting you. I love you Marilynn, and I'm so glad I met you." He said and pressed his lips to mine.

"I love you too trevy." I said and I fell asleep in his arms, I wish I fell asleep forever.

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