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Latch - Sam Smith (Acoustic) 


Her hand fits perfectly inside my grasp. Our fingers interlocked like two old puzzle pieces. Her hand is soft against my calloused touch. 

I mentally shake my head at this. At this situation. It was unbelievable to me that my fingers were interlocked with the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. It was pathetic and unbelievable. I had a hard time understanding my life and these feelings that were dwelling inside of me. She made me feel things that I hadn't thought I'd be capable of feeling again. Not since her. A bunch of tingling, teenage girl, love sick butterflies that eat inside of me. 

She looks over at me, her eyes crinkling on the edges because her lips are curled up into a toothy grin. Her eyes watch me as I look at her. They dance under the moonlit sky. She was breathtaking. Even her flaws were breathtaking.  Everything about Isabella Maxwell was perfect. Fuck, I sound like a fucking girl

We continue to walk down Oxford street. The streets buzzing with people out and about on this Saturday night. "Where are we going?" Her has a slight rasp to it. A tone that I hadn't noticed before. 

"There's a gelato place near by. I thought'd you like it." 

"Gelato?" Her voice picks up in excitement. "I love gelato!" 

A grin spreads on my face, "I know. I remember you mentioning it to me before." She furrows her brows in thought. 

"When did I tell you I liked gelato?" 

I awkwardly chuckle. My free hand rubs the back of my neck. I look over at her. She looks at me, her lips pursed slightly her brows furrowed. "You told me once at the bookstore. A few months ago."

"You remember that?"

"I remember everything you tell me," I admit. 

She squeezes my hand. Her lips spread wide in a sheepish grin. "Do you think they have coconut?" She asks me with a child like glance. 

"Yep. I made sure." 

She stops ups suddenly. I jerk back from our still interlocked hands. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She nods quickly before she leans against me and kisses my cheek. She blushes as she takes a step back. Her fingers interlock with mine once again and she begins to walk. 

"What was that for?" I ask, a smirk on my lips. The skin of my cheek still tingling from her lips. 

"Guys don't usually remember things like that. Not about me, at least." She admits. 

"Those guys were idiots." 

"That's why I'm on a date with you and not them." She smiles over at me. I return the smile and turn my head back to the buildings in front of us. 

We continue to walk for a few more minutes. Our hands still held together. She rambles along about some book that she had read recently. I get lost in her voice. I love the way that she is able to talk about a book and not make it sound boring or long winded. Her voice was a sound that I could never grow tired of listening. 

"We're here." I interrupt her. We stand in front of a black painted building with a white sign in front. Tony's Gelato.  

Izzy leads us inside the building. Her eyes light up at the rows and rows of gelato selections. "This place is amazing." I mutter a small yes and follow her towards one side of the freezer. 

Rows upon rows of gelato sit inside the confines of the silver freezer. Isabella's eyes scan over the different flavors. She tries different flavors, forcing me to taste the gross ones with her. I think if I were to continue life without tasting wasabi gelato, I'd be fucking fine with that. Who the hell creates wasabi flavored gelato was a fucking moron. 

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