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This book is in honor of all you guys fighting epilepsy, or have lost your battle to epilepsy. Don't give up, I know it's hard, going to school, getting bullied. But I understand, and I love you. You guys are perfect, with no disability or disorder at all.

I need to give recognition too those with other disabilities, that are just as important as epilepsy. Don't let it get in your way. Your still human, don't let them bother you. Your again, perfect.

Last but not least, I want to give thanks to @Daniela1213 for making everything possible. I love you!



I had my first seizure of the day at 5:00AM this morning. I may look normal but I'm not.

I was starting school for the very first time at Beach Life Public School. I was going to be 7 grade and boy was I nervous.

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