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Chapter 21- "Hiya handsome"


I had too call Noah and invite him over.

I couldn't let the freak get asked out. No way. I run this cool. Only me. Me. Not her. Me. Moi. It's always about me, me, and did I mention, me?

They've only dated for about a week. Is that a bad thing? It's not too late is it? I mean I can make sure this thing doesn't go any longer. See I found out by hiding in the big bush beside them, and telling the other two monkeys that I was having a makeup issue and that it will be resolved without them.

Okay so it wasn't a complete lie. I was having a makeup issue and had too use a mask to cover my face. I was trying to listen and fix my makeup while hiding in the bush, I always have to do the heavy duty work around here or else they just will not have the right idea on how to run this jungle gym they call school. The other two? The ones that are my 'best friends?' they're fathers work for my father. So I was told to be nice to them.

Things I have learned about hiding in a bush, trying to fix my makeup while listening to a freak and a hot guy talk?

A) Spiders live in there.

B) it got my $200 designer dress full of mud and I had to change later into my $199 dress. I know right? It was sooooo painful.

C) It's so dark. I couldn't see my self in the mirror, I had to skip English class too fix my makeup.

When I saw Noah walking down the street, with his hands in his pockets. I got off the grass and waved to him. He waved back.

"Hiya handsome!" I shouted enthusiastically, sitting back down with my back against the big tree.

He had a tight smile. I could tell he was nervous.

"Hey." He said quietly. "What did you want to see me for?" He asks while sitting next too me.

"So I've been thinking a lot about you." I said moving closer too him. "And I think we need to change our friendship too a relationship." His face was shocked but I could tell he was considering it. Perfect. This was going to be easier then I thought. "

Yeah, okay. Your pretty hot. You wanna... Maybe...?" He said putting his arm around me.

"Maybe, what?" I asked him.

"Go out?" He finally said. Taking a deep breath after.

"I would love too handsome."


Damn. When Veronica said that. She was just so hot. I can't believe I ever thought Winter was hot. I was so delusional. Stupid me.

Veronica and I lid down on the grass cuddling. Until a familiar face came walking down the street.

On no... I thought.

What was I going to do about this one.

It was Winter.

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