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Chapter 3- Your Winter Neveah Hope Claser, right?

"Your Winter Neveah Hope Claser, right? The secretary asked. With a smile.

I nodded.

She handed me my schedule. I noticed that I had history first period! I was so happy!

I started to leave the office and the secretary stopped me.

"I forgot! I am Mrs. Danlone." she told me

"Cool" I answered her

" Tia!" she called out. "Can you walk Winter down to Room 188, Mr. Han's room."

"Sure" A girl said, probably Tia. "follow me."

I followed her. We said nothing to each other On the way there. I looked at my watch. It was 9:07AM on Monday, September 3, 2014.

When we got there she left immediately. I walked in and the teacher welcomed me. He must have known I was coming and told me to sit beside the girl in the blue. The girls face was turned to the side and she was talking to a boy. When she turned back I saw who the girl in the blue was.


"Freak" she mumbled under her breath.

I then open my binder, to a blank page and wrote down notes.

After class I was amazed! This was nothing like school at home! You learn more things. Like who knew that a British solider had to be 19 to serve in the war but many lied about there age. The youngest one discovered was only 12! That's way to young to serve in a war. Wouldn't his parents miss him and wish he could come home? What if there were boys smaller then that?

I went to math, in room 156. Math is one of my worst subjects. I hate it. It's boring. Stupid. And I'm pretty sure in 20 years I'm not going to need to know how to find the area of a stupid circle. Because I'm gonna be making history. Just like Eleanor Roosevelt.

"We're gonna start off this year with fractions." Mr. McLine, the math teacher announced proudly.

Everybody groaned, not only is it the beginning of school but fractions. Eww.

"Simplify 17/51." Mr. McLine said.

That's easy 1/3. Everybody should know there 17 timetables.

My hand shot up.

Everybody stared. With how-did-she-get-it-so-fast faces.

" IT'S 1/3" I shouted.

Mr. McLine was surprised and then nodded and wrote it on the board.

And I just kept getting the answers.

Everybody's faces were getting more annoyed by the minute but this was so easy! I can't believe nobody else knew these answers!

Then the bell rang.

Lunch time....

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