Chapter 26 - Noah

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I couldn't watch Winter go through this once more.
Her eyes were dilated and she started to go down only Hazel caught her this time, she wasn't having a seizure, I saved that from happening. Winter had her eyes half way open, but she was staring at nothing.
It's been a month with Veronica, and she is not who I thing she was. She randomly disappears when we're out, doesn't kiss me or anything. Nothing, I'm starting to think this whole thing was fake.
"Veronica, what are you doing!?" I yelled for the second time. "I can't be with you anymore." I felt betrayed that she would do this to my sisters best friend, and the girl that has epilepsy, freaking epilepsy.
Veronica turned around fast dropping the light and letting it shatter into a million pieces, only it didn't. She fell to her knees before me. "Please Noah, it's not what you think it is.. I was just... Uh... Giving her a light too help her read."
"Save it." I told her. "We are done." And I walked towards Winter who has lying down on the floor.
I laid down beside her, on the floor, and moved her head too be on my chest. I know it was gross but I hated the fact that she was doing this. I probably looked like a freaking idiot, but I don't care. Anyone who wouldn't do this for a girl like her is a freaking idiot.
Or any girl that has been through a lot like her.
"I swear I'm running a barn." Veronica mumbled. "Look get up Noah and let's go back to our seat." She reached her arm out expecting me too grab it.
"No." I was not, going too let her fool me again. I was just another one of a baby's ken dolls, you play with them, then rip off a body piece, and throw them away.
"I'm sorry Winter. I really am." I whisper, and a tear rolled down my cheek, I can't believe I'm crying.
Veronica turned around and stomped her foot. "ERRGG!" She yelled annoyed. "Valerie, Violet! Come with me."
But they didn't move.
"Now!" She demanded, close to tears.
They did move this time, just not too Veronica.
They walked over too Winter, and knelt down before her.
"We're sorry." Valerie said.
"We never wanted to hurt you, we just got caught up on the crowd, and we wanted to fit in." Violet adds.
Veronica is getting madder by the minute. She walks over here stopping the floor with her wedges. "Listen here, kids. No one is sorry for anything! Nothing! Absolutely and positively nothing!"
I felt Winter shake like she was scared. To my surprise she wrapped her arms around me, and I held her even closer.
"Go away, Veronica." I recognized that voice, and it belonged to a boy that was trying to protect me, trying to save me, it was like he could see the future and I just could only see the present.
"Sawyer." Winter called, desperately.
"Everyone's here, Sabrina's here, Hazel's here, Sawyer's here, Valerie and Violet are here. I'm here." I told her, combing her hair with my fingers gently. "We love you." I told her.
"I love you too." She told us.
Sabrina, Valerie, Violet, Sawyer, and Hazel made a wall between Veronica and us. "Go away." Valerie and Violet called. "Now."
"You can't get rid of me that easily." She said sounding like a brat.
"No but I can." A voice said. "My office. Now!" Mrs. Dalone yelled at Veronica.

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