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Chapter 13- The word best friend has been used.

Before the school bell rang signaling us to line up so we can head inside. My group, I guess,and I, we're talking.

"And what's the gender?" Hazel begged.

"Boy!" I declared.

Sawyer jumped!

"OMG ONE OF MY BEST FRIEND'S MOM IS HAVING A BABY BOY!" he shouted. Which caused those 3V's to look at us and roll their eyes.

Best friend? Did he seriously just call me best friend? His best friend? Or am I hallucinating?

"Your all our best friends." Noah told me.

God he is so cute.

And then I fell down, hit the floor with a loud thump, causing Veronica to look over. She stood up on the top of the stairs.

"Hey everybody, look at the freak show shaking madly on the floor by Noah."

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