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Chapter 22- Mixed Emotions


Oh. My. God.

I turned down the street and ran to my house.

When I got home I ran into my room, and cried. How could hi have believed something as stupid as that. I really am just a screw up. A screw up with a screwed up brain.

Kaden heard me crying. He opened my door. "WAS IT HIM?!" he shouted at me. I nodded.

"What the hell is wrong with him." he ran out of my room and I heard the front slam shut.


I was not, Under any circumstances, going to let Noah hurt her. No way. Wasn't going to happen. She was my baby sister, she needs protection. That guy. He's not going to protect her.

And she was sure he wasn't going to hurt her. Who does he think he is. Damaging and making scars on girls hearts. I'll show him.

I checked all over town for him. I finally found him, an hour later, walking on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets.

"YOU!" I shouted, which made him turn around fast and alarmed. "HOW DARE YOU! SHE CAME HOME CRYING. WHAT DID YOU DO?" I walked right up to him and towered over him. He was shaking.

"Please tell her I still want to be friends." he told me, stuttering. Like I was going to let that happen. I threw a punch at him, hard. I saw he was in pain. He turned around and ran.


I don't feel bad, of course. I mean I've got the hottest girl in school, and the most popular. Kaden was just trying to scare me. He did a bit, but I have Veronica. I must be strong so she thinks I can protect her. Which I can of course. But who would hurt her anyway? She's precious. No one could have the heart to hurt her.

"Hazel?" I called when I got through the front door at my house. She responded signaling she was home. When I found her, the whole crew was there. Her, Sabrina, and Sawyer. I told them everything like they demanded. I even told them about Veronica, with the biggest smile on my face. I was extremely happy about what happened. None of them seemed to have smiles on there face. How dare they not be happy for me?! I'm like prince of this school now that i'm dating the princess of the school.

"You played that girl, like you play cards." Hazel said. "How dare you, ever, hurt a girl like that. She will be scared for the rest of her life. Her first boyfriend, was a fake."

"I don't want to even look at you." Sawyer added, he got up, an left my house.

I was shocked they weren't happy about me attracting Veronica. Doesn't every guy want her? Makes her there 11:11 wish?

"You make me sick!" Sabrina shouted, and followed Sawyer.

Hazel really couldn't go anywhere since she lives with me. So she kicked me extremely hard and ran up too her room.


How dare my idiot of a twin brother hurt a girl like that? Doesn't he know they're fragile? What was he? Clueless to the world? That shouldn't even be a question. He is clueless, always have been, always will be.

I tried to get a hold of Winter on her cellphone. But she wouldn't answer. She's probably crying, all thanks too a jerk.

He reminds me of Xavier and what he did.


My world is shattering. The walls are coming in closer too me, the air is getting thicker and it's getting harder to breathe. Why Veronica? I wiped a tear that was coming from my right eye. This was my 307th tear. I've been counting. I touch my hair, it's all messy from the wind. Veronica's doesn't get all messy. I touch my eyelashes. They weren't as long as hers were. I touched my lips. They were too big for anyone to love. Lastly, I touched my heart as it throbbed in pain, that I can't control, but I wish I could. As my 308th tear has come too the end of my face and rolled onto my neck. I looked at my body. It was ugly.






I get people can be clueless. But if I had one wish in the world. It would be that people would put there own feet in other peoples shoes before they did something. Like Noah should have done, before he hurt her. Before he cuddled Veronica, he should have given Winter one last kiss.

I picked up my guitar, and sang...

"How soon do we forget, how we felt? Dealing with emotions, that never left, Playing with the hand that we were dealt, in this game. Maybe I'm the sinner, and you're the saint. Gotta stop pretending, what we ain't . Why we pointing fingers, anyway? When we're the same. Break up, Make up,Total waste of time, Can we ple ase make up our minds and stop acting like we're blind?"

(A/N: Read more: Ariana Grande - Best Mistake Lyrics | MetroLyrics)

I sang so loud, that my mother knocked on my door and asked if I was okay, I told her I was but I was lying.

See, it has always been my mother and I. My father left when he heard my mother was pregnant with me. I had no siblings.

Sometimes I felt empty, watching all the other kids come to school with there dads made me feel like I was nothing. Don't get me wrong. I love my mother. But I see her crying at my fathers picture. But i'll never telll her that I saw her. It was really late at night when I saw. I just went downstairs to get a snack. I do wonder what it's like to have a fathers love.

The only ones that know are Hazel, Noah, and Sawyer. It used to be the four of us too. I really like Winter though, and none of this is her fault. I just wish Noah had more of a brain sometimes.

I was really just this quiet girl that could be crazy sometimes, that can sing and play the guitar. I never sang or played in public. I played for Hazel once and she tried to convince me to play at the upcoming talent show last year. But I argued with her telling her no. I won the argument as you can see. I have stage fright. It's not that I don't want too perform. It's that i'm scared ill be booed on stage starting with the 3V's and then the whole school will follow. That would be terrible. Or what if I mess up my song? Mess up my guitar note? Forget my words? Even though Hazel told me not to worry about that. I still do.

Noah is just like Xavier, and what Xavier did.



My best friend, was a player, and played Winter. Who has the heart to even do that? Why would he? Is he crazy?

One crazy pathetic jerk he was turning out to be!

I have known him for my whole life, and the way he acted has been cruel. Never, not once has he done this too a girl. Hazel's trying to get a hold of Winter, but she can't. God, why would he do something like this? She's probably not even going to sit with us tomorrow. I don't want to go to school if she's not gonna hangout with us. She's a lot of fun.

I called Hazel, hoping, and praying, that she talked to Winter.

"Have you gotten to talk to Winter?"

"No." She answered with a sigh.

"I really hate Noah right now. He's being extremely mean to her."

"I know." She said again, sighing. I thought I heard a tear rolling down her face. "I wish he didn't do that." She told me. "He even had the biggest smile on his face when he told us."

"I know." I wished.

Then she hung up

Oh god, why did he have to be like Xavier.

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