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Chapter 23- It's going just the way I want it too.


I called my boyfriend that night. My real one of course. His name is Connor.

"Baby! How's the plan going?" Connor said in his sweet voice that always made me fall in love again. God, did I love him.

"Everything is working out perfectly, Winter and Noah are over. Probably won't be together again. Noah thinks i'm dating him, Winter was crying. Oh the joy!" I shouted into the phone!

"Excellent baby!" he told me he was proud of how responsible I was taking control of the school and making sure that I stayed on top of my duty, and he asked me how Valerie and Violet were doing, if they have gotten any smarter, or any stupider. I answered telling him truthfully. They haven't changed. They still are my copy-cats and will always be. The fact that they cannot do much, actually scares me. They can only do there makeup, half of it anyway. I will have to apply there foundation.

What kind of world do we live in? Who has ever had out on someone else's foundation? I can't be the only one with two ugly giraffes that can't move there arms, because if I am, this world is seriously messed up with no hope in it.

I was proud of me, I do run this school, give excellent fashion advice, like today I gave this girl Jani, excellent fashion advice I simply told her that her top is hideous and is something a 5 year old would wear, and those farmer jeans she was wearing with them made her look more that she came from the dumpster.

Those exact words of course.

I am also a very honest person, I mean of course I tell a couple white lies once and a while to help my school, but who doesn't? It's like something that's necessary. You must do it. No matter what. For the sake of your school.

I do fix people's makeup, a lot. Or tell them they need to wear some, because some people just need too have something on there face too look human. Like Brenda, doesn't wear any and it's just, ewww, how can a hideous monster even show up too school? And why?

"Baby, you still there?" Connor asked.

"Yep, I'm still here." I answered.


I can't wait till tomorrow to see my baby girl. She's so cute. She really is, her long golden hair always pulled back into the perfect high ponytail, and her long full eyelashes, with her blue eyes. She's just perfect in every way possible, and her lips. God, I just wanna kiss them badly. I want to kiss her badly!

So I called her, but the line was busy.

Probably she was on the phone with the other V's. There probably deciding what to wear.

She's just perfect in every possible damn way.

Every way.

Those blue eyes that sparkles when we were cuddling on the grass, the way she knew just where too put her head on my chest.

So I called Sawyer, hoping he came to his senses and decided to be happy for me.

On the third ring, he picked up.

"What the hell is your problem?!" He shouted at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You broke her heart, how could you even have a heart to possibly do that? And Veronica? What are you, crazy? She's such a crappy person, with a crappy heart too. Your insane, and delusional!"

And then he hung up.


I haven't really recovered from the whole Noah and Veronica thing. my first love, in a disaster.

Around 8:34PM after 2 hours and 15 minutes of crying. I fell down, and had a seizure.

Kaden screamed.

My legs started shaking first, and then my arms, and when I hit a minute, my whole body was out of control and my eyes were running around the room but everything was black. I rolled over and started hitting my head against the wall.

By then, I have caught the attention of my mother, who was setting up for the baby that was going to be born in a couple months, and my father.

My mother screamed while my father put his hand in front of my head, protecting it from the wall I was slamming it in too.


Kaden ran down the stairs sprinting as he got on too the floor, tearing the kitchen fridge open.

Then it stopped, suddenly.

My mother, and father leaning over me. My mother had tears running down her face, and her face was red.

Then Kaden threw the ice at my father, catching it, he placed the ice on my throbbing head.

There was blood on the floor, from my knee, that I suddenly realized was bleeding. My mother got a mop and wiped it up. Wiping another tear from her face.

Why am I so stupid?

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