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Chapter 18- Oh. My. Gosh. Noah Freakin Garney is Holding my Hand.

When I heard those words... I wanted to die.

When the bell rang, i quickly changed so I probably wouldn't catch Noah in the hallway, I didn't want him to see me like this, I didn't want to explain it. I ran fast.

But, not fast enough.

"Hey what's wrong?" Noah asks me, staring deeply in too my eyes.

I assured him I was fine, and that I will see him at the table in a couple minutes.

"Did you think I was going to let my pretty girl walk alone in the hallway? I'll wait for you." Noah declared. Trying to catch up with me running. "Did I do something?" He asks. I shoke my head fast and kept running. When he finally caught up, he tried to reach for me hand. A boy has never done this to me before. Probably because I haven't really ever, like, made contact with a boy that wasn't Kaden or my dad. I let him hold my hand.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Noah was holding my hand.

Noah Freakin' Garney was holding my hand.

My hand.

That's when what happened this morning hit me. Hard.

Noah was my boyfriend.

My boyfriend.

He was all mine.

But why did he choose me?

There were so many other girls other then me.

And he chose me.


I had to take a deep breath. I couldn't believe he was holding my hand.

But i'm so ugly.

Even those girls said it.

They were right.

Noah somehow knew my combonation and decided to open up my locker for me. Put my gym bag away, and then escort me too the cafeteria where my best friends were waiting for us. All with a big big smile on there face.

Do I even have to ask if they know?

"Hey little spies!" I called to them.

Sawyer tried to deny the fact that they were in the bushes easedropping to our conversation. They are all such bad liars. He eventually gave it up. He knew we knew. It was so obvious they were going to easedrop on Noah and I. Sabrina and Hazel grabbed my hand and dragged me around the cafeteria. We must look like a line of idiots running in the cafeteria, and since Noah was holding mine. Yeah he got dragged around by those two too.


Help me, I am getting dragged by my girlfriend, and Sabrina and Hazel. I am looking like a fool infront of the ENTIRE school.

I knew something was up with Winter, but she wasn't telling me. I know when girls are upset. But I didn't know what to do with it.

Gosh, Winter is so beautiful.

She was gorgeous.

Absuloutly stunning.

I would die for her.

I would marry her.

I want to marry her.

Our babies would be the most stunning things in the world. With brown eyes, dirty blond hair, and her perfect smile.

When they finally got told by a lunch monitor to stop horsing around and we can either sit down here and eat or lunches or sit down in the office, and eat our lunches with the princable and our parents. I gave Winter a peck on the cheek before she sat down. She blushed, adorably.

I can't handle her adorableness.

She reminds me of a kitten. She likes to be protected, I can tell, when she giggles it reminds me of a kittens meow.

But she's cuter then a kitten. We must all agree on that.

"Your beautiful." I assured her.


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