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Chapter 5- Noah

When I got to Science, I noticed Noah's eyes seem to be locked on me from the second I got in the room, he waved with a gentle smile. I sat next to him, possibly blushing. Shyly saying hi. He looked down to his binder, picked up his pen.

And then I saw.

He was writing my name. With hearts.

My older brother warned me about this. It may be a joke. Maybe his friend wrote it for him when he wasn't looking. But I looked down too, and was trying to hide my shy smile. Even though I didn't believe it.

I decided to ask Nicholas about him when I got home.

"Hello, Hello, and welcome to grade seven science. My name is Mr. Zandly and I will be teaching you this year.

He had a perky attitude.

It turns out this is his first year teaching. He was 24 years old, and he teaches science, math, and English grades 4-8.

Noah wrote something on his piece of paper.

'first year teachers are the best because you can mess around and he doesn't know the rules'

It said. I read it and laughed softly and quietly. Not quietly enough though cuz Violet noticed who was sitting 2 seats from me. She turned to me, rolled her eyes, and gave me a look.

I wondered what she wanted now and if I was going to get a punishment for laughing with Noah.

"Ms. Claser, are you paying attention?" Mr. Zandly asked me.

I nodded.

"Perfect, just because I'm a first years teacher doesn't mean I'm stupid and don't know any of the rules." He looked at both, Noah and I, and laughed.

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