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Chapter 19- "But, why me?"

At the end of the day, it was just Noah and I. Walking around the school holding hands close together.

"Noah? Why did you choose me?"

His answer came like it was practiced in front of a mirror 10 times.

"Your pretty, nice, and have an amazing personality, your kind, caring, loving, honest, and someone I could talk too, and also, you don't care what people say about you. You never try and change the person you are. You don't care what people say. I guess what I am trying to say to you is the reason I chose you not because of how pretty you are, or because you have a Ferrari."

I was blushing before he got to the second word.

"I don't have a Ferrari." I announced.

"I know, but I was saying if you did it wouldn't matter too me."

This kid could not be any cuter.

Then I saw Kaden coming onto the field, to meet Noah.

I was really nervous, what if he didn't like him? What if Kaden was going to scare him? What if he makes him mad? I was starting to freak out. At least Kaden hasn't noticed me yet, so I start dragging Noah the other way, out his hood up and mine too, fast. We hid behind a tree.

"Why ar-" He started confused

I shushed him.

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