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Chapter one- The 3 V's
I know none of the kids surrounding me. But I hear them. Girls are talking about hairstyles, clothing, and The Vamps. The guys are talking about FC barcelona, XBOX, and some thing called call of duty ghosts.
"Are you sure your going to be alright?" my mom asked me
"Yup, I'm as ready as can be!" I announced with a huge, fake smile on my face.
Then I noticed them, glaring my way. Like they knew my secret.
Well not secret.
In just about an hour or so I'm going to have my 2nd seizure of the day... Probably
This is my first time at school because of my epilepsy. I've been home schooled, I was shocked when my doctor, Dr. Isabella, announced that she thought I was ready to start attending a real school.
With real teachers,
With kids my age,
Hallways you can get lost in,
And mean girls.
At that moment when Dr. Isabella announced that I was able to attend school, I cried, I was scared, I loved doing home school, I was never bullied, never got lost in any crowded hallways with other kids in groups walking down the hall and staring at you for having a seizure. Maybe I have nothing to worry about. Maybe it's all in my head. I thought. But then I got a flashback, to when I was 3 years old. My mom had taken me too preschool.
The instructor, I can't remember her name, knew my about my epilepsy, and my mother told her to protect me head when I have a seizure... Well I had a seizure right when Veronica Yonwood, Valerie Coles, and Violet Ashton talked to me.
Yes Veronica, Valerie, and Violet talked to me!
And then, a sudden familiar shock in my brain brought me down to the floor and shaking violently. They screamed in terror and ran to the other side of the room. The instructor, ran and grabbed pillows and put them on each side of my head to protect it.
When it was time for pickup the instructor told there moms what happened, there moms apologized to my mom and they were forced to apologize to me. But I didn't buy it. Even though I was only 3 I knew they weren't sorry. When people are forced to apologize to you it's not real. I never buy sorry's.
The thought of it made me shiver
And that's when it hit me. The girls staring at me are Veronica, Valerie, And Violet.
The bell rung. Thank god I was standing far away from it because that could have made me crash on the floor.
I gave my mother a short hug.
"Good luck." she whispered, like she saw them too.
I walked looking down and that's when I walked into her.

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