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Chapter 24- June 15


So, my little siblings exact due date is June 15 we went to the doctors today.

So that means before eighth grade starts, we won't be the family of four anymore.

Oh, well.

Nothing ever can stay the same, your constantly getting older by the minute, learning something new everyday, making new mistakes every second, and then making those mistakes again tomorrow, it's how this life works, it's apart of human life.

I was trying to be happy for them, I really was, but it was hard when my life was such a freak show earlier today.

So when I got too school, Veronica and Noah were walking around with the other V's, they were trying to surprise each other with a kiss on the cheek, then Sam and Kina came up to me, just to tell me that they were flirting with each other, and then they asked if Noah and I were still together. When I answered with the word , no, they simply turned around, walked away, and laughed.

I saw the laughs.

I heard the laughs.

"Hey, freak, guess you lost this round of the game, and every round up till now. Why would Noah Garney even go out with you in the first place? Secondly, monster, you might want to buy some makeup because that face, just makes the whole entire school look extremely bad. Don't ever join a club that contains field trips, because your going to make it look like I'm the farmer and I'm running some barn over here, when really I do way more for this school, then anyone, will ever, find out. I never hear any thank you's." The farmer, Veronica delivered the animals poop to me.

I tried to hide the tears coming as I remembered those words in the doctors office, I couldn't cry here, if I could just hold off for another 10 minutes I'll be fine.

Please, please, I'm begging you eyes.

I really am.

Do not let your Niagara Falls of Winter Hope Neveah Claser's tears out, here.


It's hard to believe, that this horse, has been around for three months already. It was December and the winter snow has pretty much covered the surface of the earth. Winter used too be my favourite season until Winter Claser came along. Now it's just a reminder that my life is a total disaster.

I told her she needed makeup and never to go on a field trip because she looked like a horse. It was awful, did she even know what foundation was for? Let alone a shower?

Whatever, she isn't getting the message to stay out of my way.


"Hey, Winter. Come sit with us!" I heard Sabrina's voice.

I was unsure about this, but before I knew it my feet were moving in the direction of Sabrinaand Hazel.

"My brother is a jerk." Hazel announces.

"But it doesn't mean we don't wanna be your friends anymore, we want to still keep this friendship." Sabrina says.

"Okay." I say and sit down. "So guess what? My siblings due date is June 15!"

Sabrina and Hazel get up and do dances around the cafeteria table. I laugh, encouraging them to keep going. I fall off my seat, and start laughing.

"Oh, would this be the barn dance? You don't even need costumes. Your faces already look like animals. Except yours Hazel, you are pretty. We want you too come sit with us, your brother is so hot. I love him. C'mon Hazel. Your with us now." Veronica appears. I'm starting to think she's a witch because she always comes at the wrong moments and literally appear out of nowhere.

"No." Hazel said.

"What did you say too me?" Veronica asks, angrily.

"I said, no." She answers in a soft voice.

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