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Chapter 4- A blinding light.

I ran to my locker and looked at the time. I didn't have a seizure yet. I was glad I haven't humiliated my self yet.

I followed others to the lunch room and lined up to get my lunch.

"Hi" a boy said.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked In A shocked voice.

"Yes." he answered. "Your that girl in math class, and I thought you were pretty cool. Wanna sit with me?"

I quickly nodded and followed him to where he was sitting. I saw a girl that looked like him. I didn't recognize her, there was also another boy, and another girl.

"Oh! Let me introduce them, and me, since I haven't yet. I'm Sawyer, that's my twin" he pointed to the girl that looked like him a lot."Her name is Hazel." he told me. "Those are our friends, the girl is Sabrina and the boy is Noah." he told me.

"Hi, I'm Winter." I told them, shyly.

Sabrina grabbed an big aero bar and gave one piece to everyone. INCLUDING ME! I was so happy that I was included. I thanked her and ate it quietly.

Sabrina and I had a conversation about candy. Noah joined in. I told them I loved aero bars and smarties. Noah and Sabrina agreed those were good but they both loved mars bars. Which were great too! They even asked me to be there friends and sit with them at lunch. I was so happy I squealed. Then we laughed about it.

"Freak." Violet called me.

I turned around to see a blinding light hit me in the eye and I fell down violently shaking.

I heard a couple screams. None that I had recognized.

And then I heard laughs that I had recognized

When I recovered, and conscious, I noticed I had Noah's lunch on white top. I ran to the bathroom with Sabrina and Winter chasing me.

"Veronica is just a mean person." Sabrina told me.

They got a tide to-go that Sabrina keeps in her locker along with another sweater.

"Thanks guys." I told them. "But aren't you scared of me?" I asked.

"Of course not. Noah and Sawyer aren't either. We are your friends." Hazel told me.

I couldn't believe it! I had a friend! I am so happy I could jump around. But I don't wanna be weird, so I tried to stay calm holding my breath so I wouldn't scream. Sawyer was waiting for us outside the door.

"What do you have now?" Sawyer asked.

"Science room 175." I announced.

I got told Noah is there and to sit next to him from Sawyer.

So I did.

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