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Chapter Eight - The Wake Up

I had fell down the stairs and apparently hit my head really hard.

When I woke up, paramedics were surrounding me in the ambulance and I had a oxygen tank on me. I started freaking out quickly. Then I saw Kaden reaching for my hand and telling me it's going to be alright.

I nodded and tried to calm myself down.

When we arrived at the hospital my parents ran out of the car and ran after me.

I got checked by the doctor after that. I have to remain at the hospital over night for any changed in my behavior.

Luckily my mother grabbed me a change in clothes before we left the house for the hospital, which was called St. Matthews Hospital.


"GOOD MORNING!" Kaden yelled in my ear. I also saw he had a breakfast sandwich in a Tim Hortons bag

"TIIIIIMMS" I yelled, happily.

I ate quietly.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Isabella asked me.

"DR. ISABELLA" I yelled and gave her a big hug.

"Of course I am, I couldn't resist checking on my favorite patient!"

"Oh so you mean me?" Kaden asked with a smirk.

"As much as I adore you, I meant your sister." Dr. Isabella answered giggling. "So tell me, what's new?" She asked me.

I told her about the new baby and how unhappy I was about it.

That's one of the things I love about Dr. Isabella, she's like my sister, or cousin, she's my best friend, she always gives the best advice and the warmest hugs.

"Hmm, tough one, but this new baby will be fun! Imagine it's first steps, you can play with it! You'll be a big sister!"

I never thought of it that way, and I won't admit this but I'm actually excited about this whole new baby thing. I did kind of rush off really fast the other night.

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