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Chapter 6- Kaden

When the school day ended I walked home.

"Hey hon, how was your day?" My mom asked when I got onto our wooden porch that I felt was gonna break one day but no one believes me.

"Fine, where's Kaden?" I asked her.

Kaden was like my best friend. Even though he was my brother.

"His first day of high school didn't go so well..." My mom told me.

I ran too his room, which is across from my room. When I entered his room he looked at me.

"Oh Kaden, what happened to you? Mom told me you had a rough day at school."

"Just a rough day, but ill be fine don't worry about me, so tell me what happened on your first day of school EVER?"

So I told him, I told him about my new friends, about Noah, and in detail about the 3V's.

"Middle school can be rough little sis. Noah sounds like he's in the middle. He's not sure if he likes you or not. Guys can be confusing, and need patience."

I nodded and told him I had homework, even though it can take me 10 minutes because apparently On the first day of school, you don't have a lot of homework.

Later that night, after dinner, my parents told us to sit in front of our TV and put on home videos. One of them was when Kaden and I were younger it was my first birthday and Kaden blows out the candles for me. I started crying then because I got scared of the way they blew out and Kaden went to comfort me.

"Mom why are we watching these?"

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