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Chapter 15- That question


When I saw her walking towards me. I had a girl moment. Those like fangirl moments.

Her smile is so pretty

"Hey." I looked her right I'm the eye, because I love her eyes.

"Hi." she said calmly looking down shyly.

She waked over to me and sat down next to me.

"I really like you..." I said, unconfidently.

"I like you too." she told me, sounding more confident then me. Of course she would. She does to have to ask me out.

"Do you maybe want too.. Like, go.. Out?" I asked her. Really shyly.


When he told me he liked me, my heart was thumping as hard as an earthquake.

Maybe even harder.

"Do you maybes want too... Like, go.. Out?" he asked me, sounding nervous.

"Of course I would."


"Of course I would." She told me.

"Really, I guess that means your officially my girl." I told her putting my arm around her causing her to snuggle up to the side of me.

She nodded.

I saw them looking our way, Veronica and them.


I'm his girl...

Noah saw them looking our way. Veronica, and them.


Then we decided just too tell Sawyer, Hazel, and Sabrina.

And Kaden of course.

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