Parent Classes

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[WARNING: Remember, teen pregnancy, so there'll be judgement]

(Y/n)s POV


"Oh come on, Izuku, it won't be that bad". I tell him, picking up Sora and his baby bag. "But we'll get judged". He tells me, taking the bag from me. "Just for today, we're parents". I tell him, he sighs and nods. We leave the apartment and go to the classes. We walk in, and the other parents stare at us. "See, I told you". Izuku mutters to me. "Shh, just don't think about it". 


"Katsuki! Grab the bag!". I yell out, slipping my shoes on. Katsuki walks in with the bag, the three of us leave the house. We get to the class, and all the other parents stare at us. "The hell are you old hags lookin' at!?". Katsuki snaps, little explosions coming out of his hands. "Meh, at least you didn't swear". I mutter, shrugging and turning away from him.


"Akane, sit still while I put you in! Rantarou, stop trying to eat Shido! Shouto! Grab the damn bag!". I call out, finishing putting Akane into her part of the four baby pram. Shouto walks in with the bag. "Alright, lets go". He says. We walk out the house, going to the class. Once we get there, the other parents silently gasp at us.  "Why're they staring at us?". Shouto asks me. "Cause we're teenagers with four kids, just leave it at that...".


"Eijirou! Can you grab Ai for me!?". I call out, zipping up the baby bag. "Yep!". I hear him, then he walks in with Ai in his arms, sucking on her own hand. "Alrighty, lets go!". I say. We leave the apartment and walk to the classes. I notice that the other parents are looking at us. I sling the bag over my shoulder and take Ai from Eijirou, just needing a hug from my baby.


"Denki! I can't find anything!". I cry out. He walks up to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "Just go grab Akihiko, and I'll go get the bag". He tells me. I nod and walk off, picking up Akihiko. I walk over to the door and see Denki already waiting. We walk out of the apartment. We get to the classes, I try not to pay attention to the staring parents. I sigh and hold Akihiko tighter, frowning at the other parents.


"(Y/n), do you think that the other parents will stair at us?". Tamaki asks me, picking up Junko. "Well, since we're still clearly in high school, then maybe". I answer him, zipping up the bag. "Hm!". He hugs Junko close. "Put don't worry, I'll be there to protect you". I tell him. We leave the house and go to the classes. Once we do, I notice some of the parents staring and whispering. I also notice Tamaki silent freaking out, making me let out a sigh.


"(Y/n)! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!". Mirio cheers, jogging on the spot. I yawn with Ami in my arms, walking over to him. "Mirio...I'm still really tired". I tell him, rubbing my eyes. "Don't worry, I already packed a bag and Ami is already dressed, if you didn't notice". He tells me. "Well at least one of us isn't tired!". I snap. We walk out the house and get to the classes. I hear a few whispers from parents, but I'm honestly too tired to care.


"I'm not so sure that this is a good idea". Hitoshi tells me. "Well too bad, you're going. And imagine how it would look if a teenage girl went there by herself with a baby". I tell him. "True...alright then". He sighs. I hand him Hide and grab the bag, then we leave for the class. We get there, and imminently feel all eyes on you. "(Y/n)...". Hitoshi mutters. "Just ignore them, we're here for Hide".


"Neito, if we're going to parent classes we need to at least look like parents!". I scold him, buttoning up his shirt buttons. "It's just how I like to wear my clothes". He tells me. "So many many reasons why you need to look proper". I mutter. I grab the bag and throw it at him, he catches it. I pick up Touka and we leave. We get to the classes, spotting other parents staring at us, I only glare at them.

(I wish I can do the other boys, but I can't really when you think about it. I LOVE THEM!!!)

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