First Steps

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(All of these will just be the whole kid walking to other parent thing)


"Go to daddy". You tell Sora, helping him stand up. Izuku is holding his arms out to his son. Sora takes little steps towards him, then falls onto Izukus lap. "Yay!". You cheer and Izuku starts crying. "He's growing up so fast!".


"Come to mummy". You tell Natsuki as Katsuki holds her up. She does a little run towards you, giving you a little tackle. "Haha, she just wanted to get away from you!". You laugh, hugging Natsuki. "SHUT UP!!".


"Ready?". "Ready!". Shouto holds Rantarou up and he walks to you. He holds up Shido and he walks to you. He holds up Akane and she walks to you. He holds up Ame and he walks to you. All of them end sitting on your lap. "We're great parent". "Yep!".


"Come to daddy, Ai". Eijirou tells Ai, holding his arms open while you hold her up. Ai slowly walks towards Eijirou, then plops down on his lap. "Yay!". You both cheer, Eijirou holding a giggling Ai up.


"Go on, go to daddy". You tell Junko. She immediately walks towards Tamaki and plops into his lap, hugging his leg. "Aw, she ran to you!". You giggle. Tamaki looks down at Junko with a smile, her big (e/c) eyes looking up at him.


"Walk to mummy, Ami". Mirio tells his daughter as he holds her up, while you sit not to far away with your arms open. Ami walks towards you and sits down on your lap. You giggle and hug her close to your chest.


"Come to mummy, Hide". You tell said baby, holding your arms open. "Go to mummy". Hitoshi tells him, pushing him towards you slightly. Hide starts walking towards me and I catch him before he falls. "Close enough...".


"Alright Touka, come to daddy". Neito tells his daughter, holding his arms out as I hold her up. "Maybe I should have been the one to call her". You tell him. "Just come to daddy, Touka". Neito tells her. She walks towards him and stops half way, making you laugh.


"Okay Aki, just go to daddy". You tell her as you hold her up. "Maybe she's scared". Tomura tells you. "Just shut up". You tell him. Aki starts walking towards him, but he wasn't holding his arms out. Aki plops down on his lap.


"Alright little man, just walk to mummy". Dabi tells Akira, helping him stand up. "Yep, come to mummy". You tell him. Akira walks away from Dabi and walks up to you, landing on your lap and you hug him.

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