You Child(ren) Respond To Their Name

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[WARNING: Short chapter]


It's early in the morning -5am- and you're trying to feed Sora, but he isn't listening to you. "Sora, look at mummy, Sora". You tell him, holding a spoon of baby food out to him, but he only looks around the room. "Sora". You call again, he turned to you and ate the food. "Good boy!".


"Katsuki, Natsuki isn't going to learn her name if you keep calling her a brat!". You scold him, one hand on your hip and the other holding Natsuki. He only lets out a groan. You look down at your daughter. "Natsuki". You call, she looks up at you, making you smile.


"(Y/n), do you thing the quadruplets will get their names mixed up?". Shouto asks you. "Well, I read that it's a high possibility. But as long as we make it clear on who's who, it should be fine". You explain. "Right, Akane, Rantarou, Ame, Shiro". You call, they turn to you. "Close enough!".


"Ai, look at daddy!". Eijirou tells his daughter, who is just sucking on her hand. Eijirou sighs with a nervous sweat drop. "Let me try". You say, picking up Ai and placing her on your lap, she still looks around the room. "Ai". You call, and she turns to you. "How!?". "Cuz I'm the mother".


"Akihiko, Akihiko look at mummy". You tell him, trying to give him his bottle. "Isn't he listening to you?". Denki asks me. I let out a groan and nod. "Yep". I sigh. "Akihiko". Denki calls, and he turns to him. "Damn you".


"You said you wanted to be a better dad, then try getting her to look at you when you say her name". You explain to Tamaki, Junko in your arms. "Um...okay...". He mutters with a nod. "J-Junko". He shutters, and she turns to him. Tamaki smiles softly at her.


"Mirio! Come here! Watch this!". You call out. He jumps throw the ceiling and appears in front of you, you felt Ami jump slightly in your arms. "First of all, don't do that. And second, say her name". You tell him, gesturing to Ami. "Okay, Ami". He says, she turns to him. "Ooh!".


You watch from the porch as Eri plays baby with Hide, she may be young but you completely trust her with your baby. It was getting late, so you stood up. "Eri, Hide, time to come inside". You call, and the two turn to you. "Kay!".


"(Y/N)! COME HERE! IT'S AN EMERGANCY!". You hear Neito yell from your room. You stop preparing a bottle and bolt up to your room, seeing Neito sitting on your bed with Touka in his arms. "What!?". "Say her name". He tells you. "Touka". She turns to you. "THAT'S IT!?!?".


Everyone was out accept for you and Aki, who where sitting in the bar, waiting for everyone to return. You where watching the TV while at the same time trying to get Aki to sleep, but she's looking at the TV. "Aki". She looks at you, then closes her eyes.


It's late at night -11:48pm- and Akira keeps crying his little head off. You where able to calm him down, but getting him to sleep was a different story. "Please go to sleep, Akira". I yawn, and he looks up at you.

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