1 | Baby Mama Reunion

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| throwback • E'mani pregnant 🤰🏽 |      

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| throwback • E'mani pregnant 🤰🏽 |


It's been exactly 3 weeks since I've given birth and my life has been nonstop since. When we were discharged from the hospital, I thought that I would be able to rest.

Little to my knowledge, that hospital rest was going to be the last bit of rest. That is, until Blessing stops crying whenever she feels like it to nap and I can sneak a few zzz's in before she wakes up again.

Adjusting to motherhood has been one of the most beautiful yet exhausting transition of my life.

It's one thing to be a Step-Mother two my fiance's two little precious girls, but it's a whole new ballpark when you push your own little human out into this cold world.

I was sitting on the couch watching Reruns of SpongeBob on Nickelodeon. This was the last thing that was on before Jason took the girls out for ice cream and to the park.

He has been on an all-time high with his three princesses and to see the look on their faces when they stare at Blessing.

Well...its priceless.

As for me? My stomach is still pudgy, and I have these stretch marks on my sides that are pissing me off. Grandma Kathie calls them Tiger Stripes, saying I've earned my stripes into motherhood.

Accept the sacrifice that I've made and live with it and love it.

Pshhht, I wonder if my mom was excited about having stretch marks. Hmm, guess that's a question I can only imagine and ponder about. I'm sure my dad loved it.

He didn't care about any of that, so I've heard.

I had on a Love Pink Black Velvet crop top, which I was super self-conscious about now and a pair of baggy Love Pink grey sweatpants.

Victoria Secret sent me a bunch of clothing with love for the birth of my child and even making Baby Love Pink Jump Suits for her that was exclusively for models who bring a new born baby into the world.

Not sold in stores.

Hair was pulled back into a low bun. There was no make up or anything. Just plain jane.

I can't wait to bounce back to my old self, but by the way I'm feeling about myself I know its going to take a while.

I hear my phone vibrate multiple times, with Solana name flashing across it.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Well Hello Ms. Mommy? How you feeling?"

I sighed as I looked over at Blessing, who was laying on her stomach, small and cute as can be, snoring lightly on top of her knitted blanket that Grandma Kathie made especially for her.

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