Epilogue - Answers

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One year later

One year later

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I grinned as I watched Affinity and Blessing play together in the middle of their playroom that was upstairs in O'shea's and I brand new house in San Fernando Valley. They had all the toys you could think of and a huge doll house that Rih and Cube purchased the girls.

Our home was a five bedroom 3 ½ bathroom home with a sunroom, back yard with a pool and the front and back of the house was gated off from the rest of the community. It was something that we both invested in since we were planning our Winter Wonderland Wedding. I promise you it will be the wedding of the century.

I don't know how good I'll look in my wedding dress since I have a big round basketball belly. Yup, a bitch is pregnant with twins. Boys at that and I cannot wait until I push their big-headed selves out. I never thought a day in my life that I'd be having another child, especially twins at that!

So much changed since I've found out that Jason and Karin had a little boy, Jayden Ceon Mitchell. I couldn't lie, he was the cutest little boy I have seen in a long time but I couldn't bring myself to let him be around Blessing just yet. Blessing has met him, on Jason terms of course when she goes and spends time with him and his family down in New Orleans. The girls, Cuppie and Royce are always face timing me to check in on Blessing, which I absolutely love.

Even though things between their father and I have gone south, that doesn't stop me from taking care of them from afar. Those will always be my little girls. From gifts to pep talks, I still give them my unconditional love. Jason and I don't speak unless it involves Blessing and that's just the way I like it. I have other things to worry about.

I start my residency soon for medical school. Yes, I am still pushing through with becoming an MD and I know my parents are looking down, so proud of me. Especially mommy. I am gonna continue her legacy that she left here on earth for me. I will make her proud. Its been a rough ass road, but I'm pushing through. With my fiancé by my side, making sure I have the most peaceful and stress-free pregnancy ever.

O'shea being so attentive to me is cute but sometimes annoying. The doctor tells me I should stay off my feet and he takes it as he should carry me everywhere or it involves me staying glued to the bed. I feel less stress than when I had Blessing.

It is just funny how things play out. O'shea and I were meant to be but being young and dumb made us part ways and try different paths of life. And I'm grateful for it because those trenches led us back to where we belong.

With each other.

"Mommy" Blessing said as she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

I swear each and every day she is looking more like Jay and I could slap myself. But she has my sassiness, which was okay with me.

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