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I watched my phone light up as it vibrated on the glass coffee table. I leaned forward to pick it up, seeing Jason name flash across the screen.

"Yo, what's good bro?" I answered.

"Wassam Bro, what you doin?"

"Aint shit. Sitting here with Affinity...don't touch that baby." I said as I looked over at Affinity who was touching the Yankee Scented candle that was on the table.

The last thing I needed to hear was my mom screaming in my face because Affinity broke her favorite candle, Sandcastles. Affinity smiled at me as she crawled her small self-back on to the couch, sucking on her two fingers.

"Damn bro, you on baby duty huh?"

"You know how this shit go. Alex came in to the restaurant where Karin and I was havin lunch. Made a big ass scene saying that I aint tell her that my meeting with Ellen was canceled."

"Well...why didn't you?" Jason chuckled.

"I needed a break man. I mean, I should of told her that I rescheduled but I was gonna pick up baby girl after Karin and I was done."

"I feel you on that break shit but check it. I was tryna see if you was trying hit up the club tonight with the homies."

"Damn man, I wanna step out" I replied with a sigh. "But I know Alex gonna trip if I tell her to come get lil mama and my parents aint here. My brother and sister wit my grandparents and I know they aint gonna wanna clean no shit up so I aint even gonna ask."

"Aye, why don't you ask Ol' girl."

"Who? Karin?"


"I-I don't know bro. after that shit that happen today I doubt she wanna be alone with baby girl."

"I mean, if she yo woman and shit, she gonna have to get used to dropping her with her especially if you filming and shit"

Jason made a valid point. Karin is my woman and she was so pressed to meet Affinity, so maybe she would want to spend more time with her, bonding and all that stuff.

"You right bro. I think I'ma try and see. Let me hit you back."

"Ard bro. Lemme know."

"Copy." I pressed the end call button before gathering my thoughts.

I grabbed the remote and put the channel on Nick toons for lil mama. The Loud House was on, one of our favorite shows to watch.  It was better than sitting through this show called Sophia the first. But I can rock with Doc Mcstuffins.

Scrolling through the phone I found Karin's number and began to call her. I have a lot of balls to sit up here and do this shit. But Jay made a valid point. If this woman wanna be with me, she may have to sacrifice and compromise a little.

COMPTON V •  2018-2019  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now