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"Time to answer some questions!" Pepsi exclaims happily. "EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE, LESS FUCKING AND MORE WALKING!" shouted Pepsi. Many annoyed groans can be heard upstairs before everyone makes their way downstairs.

"We got questions! Well, some are comments, but Y'know, that's okay!" Pepsi explained. "I have never seen this person acting so gleeful before." Alexander retorted. "Alex, FUCK OFF! I can be happy if I want to." Pepsi seethed. Congratulations! A terrified Alexander has entered the chat.

Pepsi clears her throat before continuing. "Anyways. We'll start with Luna... she says that if she cheated on Laf with anyone, it'd be Angelica." Pepsi stated. "Eh bien merci! Je t'aime aussi!" Lafayette exclaimed sarcastically. "She still loves you though!" Laf only grumbles in reply while Pepsi rolled her eyes.

"Moving on.."

"lmaonowtfffff has a question for you Thomas.. she wants to know why you an I are such a fucking perfect couple?" Pepsi stated, staring at the clipboard of questions. "We are?" Pepsi mumbled. "Uh.. because we complete each other, duh." Thomas said nonchalantly. Pepsi began to blush intensely at the Virginian's words as she did her best to hide it.

"I'm too lazy to read the rest of the questions.. so, you guys just get to come up here. Yeah." People can be seen flooding the scene. Meanwhile NYANPUG55 is hugging the leaving Jesus out of Pepsi's and Thomas' child. "I—PleASe doN'T kIll mY chIlD wiTh cuDDlES, tHoMAs aNd I loVe hEr DeArly." Pepsi pleaded. Nyan shrugs and continues to hug Jazzy as she turns to John, still hugging Jazzy.. seriously, don't kill my child. "Alex or Turtles?" She asked.

"Turtles, duh."



Pepsi can be seen laughing her ass off. "How many turtles do you have?" BiHEXual asked. "Eight!" John exclaimed proudly with a clap. "Damn, you're allowed to have eight turtles but I can't go to a KFC full of Ronald McDonalds? How does that work Thomas?" Pepsi grumbled.

"I'm going to steal your crown someday." Luna stated to King George III. He gasped and quickly held the the crown down on his head. "Never! Not my precious crown!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly ice cream and thirty-seven blankets were thrown at Jemmy. "Now rest, YOU ARE SICK!" Nyan ordered. Jemmy nodded and made himself a little blanket fort, sneezing in the process, before curling himself into a blanket burrito as he coughed. "THANK GOD SOMEONE IS CARING FOR JEMMY!" Pepsi shouted with relief.

"HELLO CHILD, IT IS YOUR GODMOTHER—I'M GOING TO HUG YOU NOW." Luna shouted before also hugging Jazzy. "Oh- so.. everyone's hugging my tiny human today—just.. awesome—great.." Pepsi muttered. "Please don't kill her with cuddles and we're good." Pepsi confirmed.

"Please be my friend." pleaded lmaonowtfffff to Hercules as they hung on his arm. "Okay." Hercules beamed happily, hugging them. "Aww, yAy, Hercules is getting friends for once—" Pepsi cooed. "Charles, this isn't a question, but I love you." They commented. "Awe, I love me too!" Charles flashed a cheeky grin. "Asshole!" Pepsi hissed, flipping the male off.

"Why did you shoot Philip you fucking asshole?!" "Someday, I will murder you, and you can't stop me." "Can I beat your ass?" Three people, who shall remain anonymous, asked George fucking Eacker. "One, because I wanted to go home. Two, I'm sure Pepsi will protect me." "PFFFT—HA! BITCH YOU THOUGHT!" Pepsi exclaimed. "And three, no."

"How are you feeling today, bro?" Luna asked, turning to Pepsi as she tilts her head. "Honestly, ya' girl is on her period, and I'm feeling like shit." Pepsi stated with a grin. "And, I will be needing cuddles from my husband soon, so.. thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage." Pepsi blinked. "What are you dressing up as for Halloween? If you are dressing up—" Lmao asked. "Have you met me? Of course I'm dressing up! Although, I don't know what to dress up as yet."

"I really hope we got everything.. okay, well, bye. Thomas get over here—"

(DISCONTINUED) Hamilton Oneshots {*~Requests Closed~*}Where stories live. Discover now