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Louis walked up the stairs that led to a study area in the library. He had two textbooks in his hand along with his laptop so he could cram for his next class. He's actually supposed to be in his English class right now but he's skipping class to study for his test in developmental psychology.

He lets out a sigh and stops at an empty desk, pulling the chair out. He carefully sets the textbooks down along with his laptop before sitting in the chair. His backpack is placed next to his chair and he unzips it to grab his notebook and pencil case. Once he's settled in, he flips his textbook open to the chapter they're working on in class.

Louis opens his laptop and quickly types in his password, clicking on the browser. He types in his password for his school account and clicks on the link to the study guide. Once he has it displayed in front of him, he starts to copy the questions into his notebook, his eyes flickering back and forth from the screen to the page.

He was only working for about five minutes when a voice interrupts him. "What the fuck?" The familiar voice whispers. Louis furrows his eyebrows and pokes his head above the back wall of the desk, scanning the room for who it was. His eyes fall on a sitting figure a few feet away from him and Louis immediately recognizes it as Harry by the scarf in his hair.

He frowns and taps his fingers against his desk. It was only 8:45am so Louis knows that Harry is supposed to be in his Chemistry class right now. He blinks when the realization that they're both skipping class to study for another class hits him. He lets out a snort at the coincidence which has Harry's head snapping up.

"Blue?" He calls out without looking behind him and Louis stares at the back of his head in shock. The fact that Harry knew him well enough to know it was him without looking had Louis blushing down to his toes.  "Louis, is that you?" He asks while turning in his chair. Their eyes meet from across the room and smiles come across their faces. 

"What are you doing here?" They ask in unison before breaking out into laughter. Louis stands up from where he was hovering over his chair and walks around his desk to get to Harry.

"I'm skipping class to study for a test for another class."

Harry laughs. "Me too, but I'm working on a lab report for my chemical biology class." He stares up at Louis with a grin, this being the first time he saw him since the morning after the incident with Astrid. Louis placed his hands on the back of Harry's chair, fingers curling around the wood as he rocked on his heels.

"Great minds think alike." He points out with a wag of his finger. "How long have you been here?"

"For about ten minutes now. You?"

"Just got here when I heard you talking to yourself."

"I wasn't—shut up." Harry groans while Louis laughs, his nimble fingers pulling at the scarf on Harry's head to adjust it. The taller male smiled at the action, eyes scanning over Louis' face, studying his features like it was the last time they would see each other. "How did you know I was here though?" Louis asks him after a moment of Harry watching him.

"I heard your snort and just knew it was you."

"But how?"

"I don't know, to be honest." He shrugged casually and grabbed Louis' wrist, turning it over to examine the still fading rash that was barely noticeable at this point. "It was just an impulse, almost like an automatic reaction." He murmurs his explanation, gently running his finger over his skin while Louis bites his lip to hide his excitement. In his psychology class he's learning about how some people become attuned to the emotions and traits of the people dear to them and how it's like they're rewired to automatically detect when they're around. This sounds like the case for this situation and that makes him happy.

lavender dreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora