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Louis was quietly sitting at his desk in class lost in his thoughts. He hasn't heard anything from Harry since his friend left a few hours ago to see Astrid. He doesn't really know what's going to happen but he hopes things just calm down because he's too overwhelmed. He sighs and rests his cheek against his hand, blocking out what the teacher was talking about.

Louis didn't realize it but he was looking at a kid from his class as he zoned out. Jonathan blinked when he saw Louis staring at him and gave him a weird look. He tilted his head and waved his hand a few times, raising his eyebrows when Louis doesn't react. It dawned on him that Louis was probably spaced out and he snickered in amusement.

He decides to strike a pose and puckers his lips dramatically, his hand turned outwards. When Louis doesn't move, he shifts into a new position. He flips his eyelids inside out and pulls at the corners of his mouth. Still no reaction. He flexes the muscles of his right arm, his face twisted up into a stupid expression as he sticks his tongue out.

Louis blinks when he sees movement in front of him and focuses on the guy Jonathan that was in his class. He snorts and covers his mouth when he catches the man posing in an awkward version of the thinker statue. "Tomlinson and Grandue! Either you pay attention to my class or you leave." The professor barks which had both men bowing their head.

"Sorry professor." They both mumble while picking up their pencils again. Louis glances up at Jonathan to see the man looking back at him. They both smile at each other before turning back to their textbooks. Louis bites down on his lip, feeling happier than he has all week.


Harry knocks on Astrid's dorm, his lips pressed together as he tried to stay calm. It took a couple seconds for someone to answer but the door swung open to reveal his ex-girlfriend. She was wearing grey sweats with a tank top and her hair was pulled into a messy bun. Her eyes were wide with surprise and Harry couldn't help but smile.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" She asks while crossing her arms. Harry clears his throat and folds his hands behind his back, his green eyes studying her facial expression.

"I came to talk to you. Can I come in?"

She hesitates before slowly nodding, stepping aside to give Harry room to walk in. He steps inside and walks over to her bed, sitting on it as she closes and locks the door. He notices her roommate was gone and takes a moment to look around her dorm. He noticed a picture frame of the two of them smiling was sitting on her desk and he felt his stomach flip painfully. He frowns when he feels nothing when he looks at that picture.

"You came here to talk so..." She trails off while gesturing for him to continue, taking a seat at her desk. Harry is silent for a moment longer before he finally looks away from the frame, his eyes falling on her.

"Why did you break up with me?"

Her eyes widen at the bluntness and she quickly diverts her gaze to the ground. "Harry, now is not the time to bring this up." She says with a sigh.

"Holly, I just need some fucking closure. If you don't want to be with me anymore then fine, I'll leave you alone. But I at least deserve some fucking explanation." He snaps while running a hand through his hair in his attempt to stay calm.

Astrid clutches her throat when she feels it close up as tears threaten to spill. "Harry, we were never going to work. Not after Louis came into your life."

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