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"Astrid I think you were right." Harry blurts out into the phone as he paces his room. It's been two days since he found out he kissed Louis and he's been having a mini panic attack almost the entire time. "I think I have feelings for Louis and I know you probably don't want to hear this but I have no one else I can go to. I'm so confused and lost."

"We–we kissed a few days ago when we were drunk and I'm pretty sure he remembers but I ended up forgetting because I was trashed and... I don't know what to say or do now. Please call me back." He sighs as he hangs up, hoping she listens to her voicemail.

He tosses his phone onto his bed and tangles his fingers in his hair. He walks in circles as he tries to pick at his mind about what he should do. He's almost one hundred percent sure he has some strong feelings for Louis and it's hitting him all at once. He's not even sure if Louis has feelings for him. He knows Astrid said he does but Louis has never openly told him so he can't assume. Harry groans and throws himself onto his bed, his eyes shooting to the ceiling. What is he going to do?


Louis was sitting at his desk in his English class when the chair next to his scraped against the floor. He snapped out of his thoughts about Harry and how he was doing to look to his side. Jonathan smiled at him and sat down in the seat, his hands moving to rest on the desk. "So.. do I have an answer yet?" He asks sweetly, his eyes twinkling.

Louis raised his eyebrows and checked his apple watch for the date, humming softly. "Sorry buddy, it's only been two business days. You're too early."

"Aw man." He sucks his teeth and leans back into his chair. "I can't get express shipping or a student discount?"

"Nope." Louis grins and turns his attention to his textbook, flipping to the chapter they left off on. "That's only for special people and you aren't one of them."

"Wow." He whistles and shakes his head, a hand over his heart. "So cold, so brutal." They both smile at each other before Jonathan leans forward. "But seriously, what's it going to take to get a date with someone as beautiful as you?"

Louis looks at his phone, seeing an empty screen. He bites down on his lip and wonders if he should just agree or not. He wants to stay open in case Harry needs him but—Louis shakes his head and tries to wipe that thought away. Harry went after Astrid so maybe it was time to move on.

He glances at Jonathan who was patiently waiting with a small smile. "Okay." He eventually says after a moment, his eyes catching the way his smile grew. "I'll go on a date with you. But I get to pick what we're doing."



"What's wrong, Harry?" Astrid asks in concern once the man picks up. Harry sits up in his bed and runs a hand through his hair, not expecting her to call him back so soon. "You guys kissed? What is even happening?"

"Yeah." He sighs and shakes his head. "We went drinking a few nights ago and we both got wasted but I was drunker than Louis. I ended up punching this guy and then–"

"You punched someone!?" She exclaims. "You have never fought someone before Harry, not even when those assholes from Williamson hit on me."

"Yeah I know. Louis said it was because this guy yanked on his arm and tried to hit on him. I don't even—that doesn't matter right now. We ended up kissing after we got back to my dorm but Louis stopped me because he knew we were both too drunk. I didn't remember anything when I woke up until two days ago and now I don't know what to do."

"So," Astrid starts as Harry crosses his legs. "Do you like Louis? We should start there."

"Yeah." He whispers as he looks at the picture on his desk of Louis smiling with his arms wrapped around Harry's neck as they posed outside of the park. "I'm pretty fucking sure I like him."

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