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Please excuse any mistakes or typos I may have made!! Vote and comment because it really makes my day to read your comments. It's why I try my hardest to update as much as I can.


"And remember that your midterm exam is this upcoming Friday so please study because it'll be worth a lot."

Louis' jaw drops at this new information, his eyes growing twice their normal size. "A what? A fucking exam? Since when?!" He whispers to himself, pressing his face into his desk as he plans his funeral. "I'm going to die, this is not happening. I have two days to study."

He wallows in his own self-pity for a few more minutes before lifting his head up. "Is there something wrong?" His professor asks while looking up from the homework he was grading, noticing Louis was still in his chair.

"Nope, nothing is wrong at all. I'm just going to go jump off a cliff, please excuse me."

"Oh okay, have a good—wait what, hold on! Mr. Tomlinson!"

Louis scurries out of the room as he stresses about this new information, making a plan in his head. It'll all work out in the end, he has nothing to worry about. He's freaking out for no reason, it's going to be okay. He takes a deep breath to try and calm down, making his way to the library where he'll be living for the next two days.

He pushes the doors open after swiping in and walks towards the back of the library to the little room that's always deserted. Once he's inside, he closes the door and sits down at the table. He lifts his book bag onto the desk and cracks his knuckles, rolling his neck. "It's go time."


"I want to die." Louis whines as he bangs his head on the table, his stress levels shooting through the roof. Harry reaches across the table and slips his hands into the spot Louis was abusing so his head hit his hands instead of the hard wood. He chewed on the food in his mouth as he watches Louis freak out.

"Babe, I've been reminding you all week about the exams that were coming up and you said you had it covered."

"That was before I realized I had one this Friday!" He wails, lifting his head up to look at his boyfriend with sad eyes. "And it's history so it's my worst subject!" Harry chuckles and picks up his burger, taking a bite while Louis stole a fry from his plate.

"I already said I would help you study so you're not dealing with it on your own. You're gonna need backup."

"I know but I still want to complain until it's all out of my system."

"How is that helpful in any way?"

"It'll help me focus better when I study."

"You're so weird." He mumbles around his food, pushing his plate of fries closer to Louis. "History isn't that hard, it just requires a lot of memorization." Louis pouts and dips three french fries into the ketchup, stuffing it into his mouth afterwards.

"I have selective memory and my memory doesn't select history as an option."

"I don't think that's what it means, blue."

"Tomato, potato. It's all the same thing."

"Louis, I truly worry about your brain cells." Harry tells him with a serious face, his half eaten burger in his hands. "Do you think the poptarts are causing you to lose a few every time you eat them?"

Louis gasps and puts a hand over his heart, giving Harry a disgusted look. "How dare you insult my favorite snack like that. Do you know how much those delicious silver packages mean to me? They have been there from the start—"

lavender dreamsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt