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It's been awhile but here's the chapter you've all been waiting for!! Please vote and comment!


"Why don't you just talk to him?" Astrid asks as she twirls her hair around her finger. Harry sighs and taps his foot against the ground, eyes on the picture of Louis on his lock screen. "You didn't do anything wrong."

It's been a week since that day in the square and Harry was losing his mind. He keeps thinking of Louis and he wants to go see him, he wants to track him down and convince Louis to talk to him but he knows his feisty boyfriend would find a way to get away.

Astrid asked him to come over and talk since she noticed he was down recently. He thought that maybe it would help him to talk to her but being around her after everything feels wrong. He doesn't feel like he belongs here, he belongs with Louis.

"But I did." Harry finally says as he drags his eyes away from his phone. Astrid did look beautiful today. Her long hair was curled and a few stray pieces fell into her golden eyes. Her freckles were hidden behind the makeup she wore and she had a small smile on her face. Yeah, she looked beautiful but all he could think about is Louis.

"I did do something wrong." He continues while folding his hands together. "I should have never treated him that way and now I'm scared to talk to him because it took me so long to realize what I did wrong."

"Harry, you're not in the wrong." She tries to say again, not wanting Harry to change the way their relationship is right now. "Louis just needs to adjust to how close we are, we were together for awhile."

"That doesn't matter." Harry defends his boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed. "He knows we're close and he would never try to stop us from talking. All he wants is to feel important to me, which he is. He's the most important person in my life."

"I'm not important to you?" She asks with a pout as she tilts her head. Harry frowns and blinks his eyes a few times, his heart being torn in two.

"No, I-I never said that."

"Harry, don't you miss me?" She questions while reaching her hand across to touch his. He allows it, staring down at her petite hand that he use to love engulfing in his much larger ones. There's so many emotions flooding through his head and he feels so overwhelmed.

"I do, yeah. You're my best friend, Holly. Of course I miss having you around."

"But don't you miss me as more than a friend." She pushes further, twisting her fingers between Harry's as she tries to pull at the small feelings for her he pushed away. He looks taken back by the question, distracted by her touch. "Don't you miss being able to kiss me whenever you wanted and all the cuddles we had. All the memories."

"The memories I miss, yes." He mumbles as he glances up at her, her eyes warm and gentle. He feels confused but the way she was looking at him was so familiar that he stayed calm.

"Don't you miss the way my body fit under yours?"

"What—Holly, what are you..." He cuts himself off and shakes his head while pulling his hand from hers. "I'm with Louis and I love him."

"Harry, baby please." She begs softly while she inches closer to Harry on her dorm bed, her hand touching his arm. "I know you can't forget the feelings we had for each other."

"Astrid no, what we had is in the past and I'm more focused on Louis and my future with him—"

He's cut off by soft lips roughly pressing against his. His eyes widen at the sudden attack, body unable to move from the sheer shock of her bold move. Her lips keep moving against his to try and evoke some kind of response. He squeezes his eyes shut and pushes her away, shaking his head rapidly. "Astrid no! What are you doing?! I'm with Louis."

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