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Louis plopped himself down in front of Harry's dorm, folding his legs in a crisscross position. He tangled his hands together and placed them in his lap, waiting patiently for the door to open. He glances at the clock on the wall a few feet away before looking back at the door. Any minute now and Harry should be coming out to get to his first class.

The sophomore was avoiding Louis ever since the night of the kiss he witnessed three days ago. Whenever Louis would see him around campus, Harry would always find a way to prevent their paths from crossing. The smaller lad was tired of it and is going to force Harry to face him by camping out in front of his room.

Louis crosses his arms when he sees the doorknob turn but rolls his eyes when it's just Ronaldo. The German man furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Louis sitting in front of the door but shook his head. "I'm not touching this one." He mumbles to himself before stepping around Louis, stretching to close the door.

"Bye." Louis whispers and waves his hand as Ronaldo walks away with his sunglasses on. He turns his attention back to the door and taps his fingers against his knee. With one more glance at the clock Louis nods his head. Any minute now.

"Okay Astrid, I'll call you when I get back from class." Harry tells her as he opens the door to his room, stepping forward without noticing Louis sitting there. "I know and—fuck!" Harry shouts when he stumbles over Louis' petite body, falling forward as he tumbles on top of the smaller man.

Louis groans at the new weight on top of him, his head stinging from the impact against the floor. Luckily, the bunched up hood of his hoodie absorbed most of the hit but his head was still starting to pound painfully. "What the fuck?" Harry grunts as he lifts his head up, his hands pressed against the floor to support his weight.

His eyes adjust to the closeness of their faces and he lets out a heavy sigh when he realizes it was Louis he tripped over. Who else could it have been? "Louis, I swear you're going to kill me one day." He grumbles as his hand moves to brush back some hair that was falling into Louis' eyes. The junior couldn't think of anything to say back because he was too distracted by the lack of distance between his lips and Harry's. Just two more centimeters and they'd be touching.

Faint sounds of someone talking caught Harry's attention and reminded him that he was still on the phone with his girlfriend. Harry pushes himself up and off of Louis so he's sitting down on his bum before holding out a hand for his friend to grab. Louis slowly reaches up and grabs ahold of it, allowing Harry to help him sit up, his free hand rubbing at the back of his head.

"Sorry babe, Louis was sitting outside my door and I didn't see him so I tripped over him and we both fell." Harry explains after bringing the phone back to his ear. "Yes, I'll tell him you said hi, okay. I love you too." He hangs up the call and locks his phone, his eyes falling onto a smiling Louis.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't punch you."

"Because you care about me too much to hurt such a pretty face." Louis says sweetly while fluttering his eyelashes. Harry's lips twitch as he tries his hardest not to smile. He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair.

"Seriously blue, why were you sitting outside my door?" He reaches his hand out to touch the side of Louis' head. "And is your head alright?" He adds on at the end, rubbing over the area that hit the ground. He doesn't feel a bump forming so that must be a good sign.

Louis sniffles and nods, gently pushing Harry's hand away. "You were avoiding me and I didn't like it, so." He shrugs. "Surprise, here I am." Harry chuckles at his reasoning and shakes his head, his hand moving up to ruffle Louis' hair.

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