Ch. 23

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I eat breakfast while Alix showers and then we switch and I shower while he eats. After we're done we head to the office. With so much to do today, I get lost in responding to emails on the car ride to G.S.I. By the time we pull up to the building I've already successfully dodged and set up meetings with so many people I feel like I can tackle anything.

    We walk through the door and I see Robyn at her place behind the big desk. I smile at her but she doesn't smile back, just lays a folder on the desk for Alix to take into the office to look over, which he does without thought. He holds the door for me and I shake my head. "Give me a minute, please."

He looks up from the paperwork he's already going over, he gives me a suspicious look but walks into the office and the door shuts behind him. "Is everything okay, Robyn." I ask, concerned.

"Everything's fine." She replies, but her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes.

I bring my arms up resting them on the desk. "Obviously, you're not happy about something. Please, tell me." I say, not wanting her to be upset. If something has happened at the Yard, Alix needs to know about it.

She looks at me and leans back against her chair. "I thought you were different. I completely misjudged you."

I tilt my head to the side, not understanding her meaning. "This is about me?"

"We all know about the affair. I couldn't believe it when I was told. Then I get this." She says, holding up a sheet of paper. I read the top line and realize its my fathers resume. "I'm to send this to Human Resources, with specific instructions for them to hire, your father?" She looks at me questioning. I nod that she's right and that it is my fathers resume, she continues. "Full time, starting at the highest hourly rate we pay and benefits. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll convince him to make your Dad a salaried employee very soon." She ends snidely.

My mouth drops. "We-how did you find out?" I ask, stunned and hurt. Robyn is my mentor, if I have a problem with anything work related she talks me through it. We've always been friends, I've never heard her say an unkind word about anyone. I see her disapproval, but above all I feel her disappointment in me.

She shakes her head. "I could tell he was interested in you. It was plain for anyone to see, if you looked for it. However, you were always professional. A spine of steel, I was so proud." She states, sadly. "Now, what are you going to do when he's done with you? You have a family to provide for, Sam. What are you going to tell that little niece of yours when you have nothing to give her?" She questions, sadly.

I bring my arms toward me letting them drop from the desk to my sides, feeling throughly chastised. She isn't being malicious, mean or spiteful. She's angry with me, she's scared for me and my family. She knows of my responsibilities and what I do for them. I've never felt more gutted. I've let her down and myself. She's right and I've known everything she said from the beginning, yet I still did it.

I shrug. "I don't know." I answer, truthfully. I look at my hands, not knowing what else to say. Ashamed of myself and embarrassed I've lost so much of her respect. If Robyn thinks this way towards me, then I know my other coworkers are thinking even worse.

The doors to Alix office opens and he looks out. "We have work to do." He reminds me.

I nod, not looking up.

"When is my meeting with Noah Jackson?" He asks, Robyn.

"He should be here in the next five minutes, Sir." She replies, nicely. "Betsy Kaiser from H.R. will be here to sit in on the meeting as well."

He nods. "Did you get the resume I sent you?"

"Yes, I did." She replies, simply. Only I know of her disapproval on that subject.

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