Chapter 10

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Austin's POV
I was heading upstairs to Iris's and my room to see if my baby was ok. I hadn't seen her since we got home, and I was getting worried. She seemed really angry with Jacob and me when she left too. Jacob has left a bit ago to check on her too, but hadn't come back. Which made me even more worried. I came to the second floor when Joy and the girls appeared out of nowhere.
"Austin could you give us a hand" Janette asked me I was about to answer when Jacob smashed threw a door. I turn to the girls looks of horror on their faces. I turn to them turning on my Gang Leader Side asking them "where's Iris". I said it deep and mean like to cause fear in them and it worked.
"We" said Lucy but cutting herself off "we can't say" Joy finished for her.
"Why not" I asked deadly as I stared at them angry "because Iris is ashamed of what she does" Evelyn says as their heads are down.

                                  Iris's POV
         We walked into the abandoned warehouse our boss uses as his hide out. "Well if it isn't Mask Figures" said our boss as we stop in front of him. "Everyone leave I want to talk alone with the female Mask Figure" said our boss and everyone did so. Though I knew the boys didn't want to leave me alone with him.
         Our boss circled me twice the third time he stopped behind me, and grabbed a piece of my hair. I heard him take a deep breath, and I did my best not to throw up. "You know your debt is almost paid for" said my boss as we headed back to his table of plans. "And I was willing to make you a deal" he said and I got a sicking feeling about this.
         "You must bare at least one child for me" he said now I was pretty sure I was about to throw up. "Go to hell" I spit at him and he looked angry very angry at me. "Well then I will just have to force myself upon you" said my boss. "Just try" I say getting into my fighting stance as he smirks at me.
         My boss attacks first, but I dodge him easily. He throws a punch at my head I use my forearm blocking the punch while pushing his arm aside. I kicked him in his head, and when he feel back onto the ground he called "BOYS!". But no one came "BOYS!" he shouted again, and still no answer.
         Before my boss could call again the door open, and in comes Austin. He looks pissed off, but I ignore that. I run at my boss jump up high enough to where my legs go around his head. I lean back pulling us both back. My boss flips over me as I just roll; my boss's back hits the ground hard. I get up and pull out my Bowie knife from my combat boot.
         I place it to my boss's throat "try that shit again. And I'll find you and kill you" I threatened him as he turns pale. I then pull my knife away and walk away as Austin is staring at me with lust, yet shocked as well. "Will talk about this later" I say marching past him and the others.
         I walk outside and get into the car as the boys wait for me. "Let's go" I say my arms over my chest Zeth doesn't argue, and just leaves like I asked.

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