Chapter 21

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                                 Iris's POV
         We arrived late at night to the house, but everyone was wide awake still. We walked in to see Romeo, Klaus, and Xavier with bags along with the gang. "Papá?" I questioned "Iris!" they said excited to see me and hugged me, Jacob, and Selena. "What's going on" I asked as they pulled back from us "we have to leave" said Romeo. I frowned at them "I'll go pack a bag" I said about to leave "no" said Xavier stopping me.
         "You are going to stay here. For the time" Xavier told me, I nodded my head happy yet sad. I hugged them tight and they did the same to me. "Will see you soon" said Klaus playfully punching me, I smiled at them tears slipping down my cheeks. "Yeah" I said as I hugged them one last time then they all left.
       As I watched Xavier close the door I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Welcome Home" Austin whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Thanks" I whisper back to him, he then kissed the back of my head. Everyone then went to bed me feeling sad yet happy. Sad because I had to say good bye to my family again. Yet happy because I finally found someone I want to be with forever.
       I woke up to my phone vibrating i tired to get to it, but Austin wouldn't let me. I had an idea it was a bad one, but it could work. "Austin"
Austin jumped up so quick and even went to reach for his gun. But then he saw me laughing and stopped. "What the hell" said Austin anger in his voice "you needed to wake up" I said still slightly laughing.
       Austin looked to his alarm clock then to me "it's 5:30. What can be so important at this time?" he asked me. "Well I'm about to find out" I say picking my phone up. I looked to see Dallas had texted me.
Dallas: Iris u up
Iris: now I am ass
Dallas: Sorry it's just there's a problem
Iris: and what might that be?
Dallas: You and Selena's Social Work is in town
Dallas: Ok
       And with that I divided into the closet getting dress like my life depends on it. And it kinda does because if we're not there then will be sent back to that evil place. Or worse Foster Care or a Group Home.
       "What is it" Austin asked getting out of the bed "Selena and I got to go" I say dashing out the door. I ran to Selena's room opened the door and slammed the door making her jump. "WHAT THE FUCK IRIS!" Selena shouted at me sleepily "SOCIAL WORKER!" I shouted at her running into her closet. "SHIT ON HELL!" she said I came out to see her grabbing shoes. I threw clothes at her, Selena caught them. She then ran into her bathroom tossing me, her hairbrush after using it.
We heard a car honk and we ran out of the Selena's room as she pulls on her shirt. Running out the room the boys can out to see us. "Iris!" Austin called after us "text him in the car!" Selena yelled at me as we ran out the house. We got into Sebastian's camero once the door was shut he took off. Me pulling my phone out immediately texting to Austin.
Iris: Hey Austin sorry we had leave. Our Social Worker is coming over for a bit today. Love you see you later.🥰
Iris: We also may be a tiny bit late too 😊
         We pull up to the house and run inside "is she here" I asked immediately as we got inside. "Not yet she is about fifteen minutes out" said Joy "ok let's make this place look percent able" I say. Everyone nods and we immediately start cleaning and hurrying around the house. We here a knock and freeze "Lucy" I say tossing her the gun I had and she stuck it under the couch.
         I open the door to see Austin and the guys, I sighed in relief. "Why is your Social Worker coming to visit?" asked Zero "better question is how do you know" said Duke. "Shut up and get inside" I say they walk inside me closing the door. "Are Social Worker is coming to check up on us. And we had Sebastian stick a tracker on her phone" I explain to them. "If she gets even 50 miles from the towns border. I am alerted and tell them" Seb explains to them, they nodded understanding.
         "How do you know how to do that" asked Gabe "I'm part hacker" said Seb, we all laugh. "His cousin taught him how" said Joy "also he figured some of it out on his own" added Evelyn. We then here a beep Sebastian looks on his phone and says "ten minutes". We then all begin running around as the guys make themselves at home watching TV.
"FIVE MINUTES!!" Seb shouted.
         We then here a knock on the door, and now it was show time.

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