Chapter 11

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Iris's POV
We all get home at the same time, and Austin is yelling at me. But I sit down on the couch and do what Selena called tuning out. I stared at the wall with no emotion, and let my mind wonder. It wondered to different memories and different questions, but the most important question was how do I pay the rest of the money? My other job that isn't illegal doesn't pay enough to get rid of the debt.
"Are You Even Listening To Me!" Austin yelled as I tuned back in "no" I say bluntly to him. "I was saying what the fuck are you doing at that place!?" Austin yelled while questioning me. Jacob stood beside Austin, and the others stood in the doorway just watching. I sighed "my biological father had a two hundred thousand dollar debt to that man. The only way to pay him back was to help him make money" I explain to them.
"You slept with people!?" Austin shouted his fist clenching "no" I say and they look at me confused. "I was more of a... how do you put it... Weapon dealer" I say and they all gawk at me. Except the guys who already knew this. "I only had one thousand dollars left to pay back. And tonight my ex boss that it be great to make me have a kid for him. To pay the rest off. But me being told him he'll no, and you guys know the rest" I finish saying.
         "Zero, Gabe transfer a ten thousand dollars to his bank account. And tell him to leave them all alone" said Austin never looking away from me. "Yes sir" they said and then left "all of you head to your rooms" Austin ordered his men left, but my friends stayed. Austin was angered by this "go on" I say standing up they nodded their heads at me. But left glaring daggers at Austin as they did.
I went to go leave, but Austin grabbed my arm stopping me. "I never said you could leave" said Austin "you said all, all includes me" I say glaring at him. "Well then everyone leaves except you. You and me need to talk" Austin growls with anger at me, I yank my wrist away "Fine" I growl with just as much anger.
We both stand there looking at each other daring the other to look away. Austin then all of a sudden a smirks at me confusing me, but I don't show it. "Since I am being so kind to pay your debt back for you. Also to pay for your friends. I would like something from you" Austin says coolly. "I'm not sleeping with you" I tell him crossing my arms over my chest, and glaring death glares at him.
"No, no. I won't you to be my girlfriend" Austin says like that something you demand from people. "WHAT?!" I shout in shock "you heard me" he said knowingly. I stay silent "Well then my love. Let's go to bed we have things to do tomorrow" Austin states as he walks away. "Why Me?" I ask turning towards him as he freezes.
"Because you are the first girl ever to intrigue me" said Austin "Iris Annabelle Hill". I was shocked no one ever new my middle except Jacob, Selena, and my best friends. Austin then took my hand and we began to walk towards his room.

         I woke up at 4:30 to a nightmare, and saw no Austin in the room. I decided to go to Jacob's room  and as I was walking I found Selena doing the same thing. "Had a nightmare too?" Selena questioned me and I nodded my head to answer her. "Let's not bother Jacob. Let's just go to the garden" Selena told me "ok" I say. We then take each other's hand and began to walk towards the garden.
         We went down the stairs and went out the kitchens back door. We walked around the garden for a bit; then found a bench to sit on. The garden was beautiful lots of flowers, trees, and fountains. Staring at all of this beauty made me think of our biological mother. And how much she would have loved this, even though I was four. I remember her like she was still here, but yet I also remember that day. The day she killed herself over our father's death.
         But thinking of all of this made me remember the fact I lied to Selena. And kept something from my best friend, and twin sister. I just know she's mad at me.
         "I'm not mad" Selena said snapping me out of thought "did I say that out loud?" I asked confused while looking at her. "No I just know you" Selena tells me never looking towards me.
         "I'm just sad that you didn't include me. He was my father too" Selena said now looking at me hurt in her eyes. "I know" I say "it's just when Mom died you took it the hardest" I tell her.
         "Which Mom" Selena asked me "our biological one" I answer her, and she looks away. "I wish... I wish I remembered her better, and not just that day" Selena tells me, and I frown.
         "I know you do. But trust me you don't want to" I tell Selena and I knew she looked at me hurt. "Why" Selena asked me sad, hurt, and anger in her voice. "Because then you'll end up wondering how such a kind, loving woman turned to such a broken woman" I tell Selena. I turn to Selena to see the sadness in her eyes and tears in the brink of coming out.
         "I think her death hurt you worse" Selena tells me and I look at her curiously. "Because you didn't talk to anyone except me for five years" Selena tells me and I nod. "Yeah maybe your right" I tell her as we continue to stare out into the garden.
We stay there staring at the beautiful scenery smiling slightly at it. Selena eventually fell asleep on me, and now I am caring her towards the house. I close the kitchen door silently and was about to leave the kitchen when I heard talking.
I stop and listen carefully to what they are talking about. "Sir I have some information on Iris Hill" said a male voice I recognized as Duke's. "What is it" a tired sounding Austin asked "Iris Hill went missing for three years before she was adopted. Selena and Jacob though we're still at their Foster Homes" Duke tells Austin and it falls silent.
         "By who" Austin asked anger in his voice and I'm guessing though gritted teeth with his fists clenched. "She never told" Duke tells Austin "find out who and keep updating me on her and her past" Austin orders Duke. "Yes sir" said Duke then I hear two sets of footsteps walk in different directions.
         "Shit they'll find me" I breathed out fear setting in now. "Iris" mumbled Selena, who I hadn't realized woke up. "They'll..." I gulped "find me and... and" I say starting to lose it. "Iris your hyperventilating!" screamed Selena in fear as I place her down. I began doing my breathing as I hear footsteps coming our way.
         But hearing the footsteps only made it worse. Black dots soon appear in my vision and I am getting very sleepy. I hear a very muffled "what's wrong" then everything goes dark.

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