Chapter 48: The Moon Rises part 3-The Murders

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We cut to the middle of the night in the streets of L.A where we see a couple of thugs surrounding a pale skinned woman in her 20s in a dark alleyway.

Woman: (scared) stay back! Get away from me!

Thug: (smirks mischievously) oh don't be like that, babe.

Thug#2: we're only gonna show you a good time.

The woman backed away from the group of thugs, who were stalking closer to her with sick perverted grins on their faces. As the woman continues to back away, her back was against something... it wasn't a brick wall as the woman felt... fur on her hands. She looks behind her to see a giant figure looming over her with cold and dangerous yellow eyes as it uttered a low, threatening growl, making the woman and thugs scream in fear.

The thing grabs the woman, who screamed for help as it sunk it's sharp fangs into the woman's shoulder. Blood sprayed everywhere as the woman's cries for help ceased and went limp as the creature tore her lifeless body in two.



The creature roared as the thugs ran for it but the creature was too fast as it got the thugs, mauling and killing them one by one as the alleyway was painted with their blood.

The creature climbed up the building to the roof as it let out a loud howl at the moon before disappearing into the night, looking for its next victim.

Narrator: the loud house, 8:00am.

In the kitchen, lincoln and luan were making some breakfast.

Luan: so nicole really ate a volcanic monster on her mission?

Lincoln: yeah, didn't know she could do it.

Luan: now that's what I call a spicy meatball, hahaha!

Then luna walks into the kitchen, feeling energetic as she got behind lincoln and luan with a grin on her face. She then wraps her arms around their necks, startling lincoln and luan.

Luna: (smiles) good morning fam! How's it going?

Luan: (smiles) well someone's full of energy?

Lincoln: (smiles) feeling better luna?

Luna: (smiles) yep, I feel rested and so full of energy right now dudes! So, what's for breakfast?

Luan: well we made a big plate of sausage and bacon on the table.

Luna saw the plate of numerous sausage and bacon on the table. She looks at the food hungrily with her tongue hanging out of the right side of her mouth, panting.

Lincoln: we're making eggs too but-

Lincoln was cut off when he and luan turn their attention to luna devouring the plate of numerous sausage and bacon on the table like a wild animal.

The twenty four year old rockstar let out a loud belch before looking at lincoln and luan.

Luna: (rubbing the back of her head; laughs nervously) hehehe... sorry dudes, I guess I couldn't resist.

Luan: luckily, we made extras and there in the oven.

Lynn and lana walked in.

Lynn: I smell breakfast cookin'!

Lana: feed the beasts!

Lynn and lana roared as they flexed their muscles. Luna, luan and lincoln laughed.

Lincoln: morning guys.

Lynn: morning bro.

Lana: morning linc.

Luan: we're setting up your plates right now.

Lana: sweet!

Lynn: how you feeling luna?

Luna: feeling much better sis.

Lucy: (appears out of nowhere; scaring everyone except lincoln and luna) hey guys, you might wanna see the news....

Everyone went to the living room to see the news on the plasma screen tv.

News reporter: in the fair streets of Los Angeles, murders have been happening throughout last night. The victim list is up to 35, each found mauled and ripped apart, some people say that the victims were mauled by a dog or some sort of monster. Police are investigating this case so citizens are advised to stay in their homes and do not wander off after dark, that's all for now.

Lincoln: whoa....

Lynn: who or what could've done this?

Lucy: sigh... I have a theory.

Lana: maybe it was a mutant of some kind.

Luan: maybe?

Luna: yeah... (phone beeps) oh crap! I'm late for work, my boss is gonna kill me. Better get going, see ya dudes!

Lincoln: bye luna!

Lynn: see ya later!

Luna heads out of the house and drives her honda civic out of the driveway and into town.

To be continued....

(Chapter 48 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. What's gonna happen next, who or what was attacking and murdering people last night? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black.....)

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