My ninja way - A Naruto love story *

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I don't own anythign of Naruto, all I own is my storyline and charater inputs everything else goes to there, respective owners.

Chapter one:

Give my story a chance, it will take a while before everything gets exciting and explained so stick with me till the end ;)

A sigh was heard from the far end of the dinning hall, I turned my head lazily and found the source. I rolled my eyes, at Princess Atsuko. She was sprawled all over the red carpet floors, her blonde hair flowed around her as she sighed in boredom. "Suko-chan what's, the matter?" I asked her even though, I knew the answer. Her head perked up, and she smiled at me. "Oh you noticed Miko-chan!" She started laughing, I sweat-dropped at her pathetic display of "acting." She looked at me, then slowly a michevious smile began to form on her lips. I raised an eyebrow at her, which she only shrugged off as she slowly began crouching towards me. I realized what she was going to do, but played along and acted scared out of my wits, which amused her. She pounced onto me, and we rolled around on the carpets like idiots for five-minutes straight. I started tickling her, she screamed and began laughing hysterically. "Say I am the King!" I roared, at her. She laughed and shook her, head at me. "You refuse? Well I'll just have to punish you then, little girl!" I said and lifted her up and tickled her in the air. I pinned her down on the ground, softly of cause she is a ten-year old, I don't wana give her back injuries when she's 40...Her laughter filled the air, traveling right through the palace. "Say it!" I teased her, as I continued tickling her. She only shook her head and giggled. I was so distracted by her, that I didn't hear the door open."What are you doing!" A voice screeched, I let go of Atsuko and she sat up. I looked up, to see her Aunt Glaring at me. "Morning Aunt, Aiko." Atsuko said in a soft voice, her Aunt mearly nodded at her. Her eyes focused on me, "What we're you doing?" She asked. I looked at her, and gave her a smile so fake it could match her personality. "Oh we were just having, fun" I said while

Smiling at her. She snorted at me, " you should remember your place, Emiko." She said bitterly. I felt my heart pain, but I shrugged it off. I'm already use to her cynical ways. She worse a Kimono that bearly covered her mid-thighs. She was bare foot and wore, make up and jewelry all over her. She was beautiful, but her mouth ruins everything. I never understood, why a 25 year old would marry a man.. Twice her age.. But Royalty seems to change everything. She was a tall, pale woman with blazing red hair and emerald eyes. She reminded me of a ruby. "Shouldn't you be training?" She snapped at me. I clicked my tongue, at her. "Hai Aiko-sama." I said and bowed at her. I left a sad looking Atsuko, she really hated to be alone with that woman. Who wouldn't ? "Miko-chan I'll walk with, you." Said a little voice, I looked down at Atsuko, "Thank-you." I said to her. We walked about the castle my mind wandered, as we walked down the long corridor's. "Emiko, can I ask you something?" Atsuko piped. I looked down at her, her brows were crossed as she was thinking deeply. I nodded at her. "Where do babies come from?" She asked me, I froze on the spot. I-I-I don't r-r-really know." I lied to her,while chuckling nervously. She looked at me then nodded, "I will ask Oto-san." I sighed in relief, yeah ask your Dad. I'd love to see his face. I smiled to myself, "Suko-chan, this is the music room I'll leave you here while I go train outside." I said to her, while opening the door for her. "Can't I come watch you train?" She begged me, with puppy dog eyes. I.will.not.lose.this.match. I thought determindly, as the stare down began.

20 minutes later

I was panting from performing my air Jutsu's, I wiped the sweat forming on my face. Atsuko, was chearing for me from a tree behind me. I glared at her, she won the fight. Damn those puppy-dog eyes. I anime cried thinking how, I lost to her. "Miko-chan do the bolt one!" She yelled from the tree. I turned around and smirked at her. "Only if you carry me, back home!" I yelled at her, she nodded then jumped down the tree. Her ankle length-Kimono got snagged as she jumped down. She ran towards me and stood a meter away, from me. I formed the chakra in the centre of my palm, and then thrusted out towards a tree. It sliced in half, as a electricity sound boomed around. She clapped her hands, and I sighed in satisfaction. "That takes a lot of energy." I groaned. She ran towards the tree, and began inspecting it while I layed on my back gazing at the sky. " This feels good." I said to myself, "Wow, you sure are a killer Miko-chan." I felt a slight blush form on my face. "Hey Ken-Kun." He smiled at me, dimples formed on his cheeks as his black hair blew in the wind. "So how, is my protector doing?" He said as she nudged my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at him, "your Aunt was a cow to me- "when is she not?" He interupted. There was silence, till we started laughing hysterically. "Ja ne, just ignore her Miko-chan." He said as he leaned against me. We sat like that for a while, until Atsuko jumped onto Ken. "Oniisan!" She yelled at him, they collieded with each other, laughing but then started bickering with each other. I sweat dropped at the scene before me. I only stopped them, when Atsuko started biting Ken's cheek.

"For Royal kids, you guys sure are barbarians." I mumbled to myself, they both snickered at me as we slowly began our walk out of the training grounds to the Castle. "Oniisan, what's it like to be outside the gates?" Atsuko asked, beside me. I looked at Ken his facial features, changed as his frown deepend. "Well..." He said slowly, probably thinking hard. "Its different to when we have our festivals, when we land down and have the festivals we are only there for a few weeks...but when you out there its different scary and dangerous, but fun and exciting." He said while looking at the sky, I reached up and poked his nose. He snapped out of his trance and smiled at me, I smiled back. "You don't look good when, your frowning Ken-kun." I said to him, while sticking my tongue out. He blushed slightly, and rubbed his neck nervously. Awww so cute, we walked out of the training grounds and entered the Castle gates. The Guards looked up from their posts, but bowed down when they saw the "Royals". They smiled at me, I returned the smile. They wore their Cloud Villages headbands with pride, I subconsciously touched mine around my neck. I felt a fire burn within, I'm going to become the Villages best, Royalty Body Guard. My eyes burned with determination, I was obvlivious to the awkward looks, Ken and Atsuko were giving me. I won't let him down, I'll prove to everyone that keeping me was the best decision I thought with finality. A wind blew among us, lifting my blonde hair up and dropping it again.

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