It's called a door

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Okay I'm getting depressed saying that I don't own Naruto -_- even if I don't... Anyway all credit to there owners blaah blaaah don't sue*

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This chapter is dedicated to UchihaRyoko. :)

*Chapter Five*


"Please work." I begged as I performed the handsigns for the last time. I was met with a menacingly growl, deep grey eyes pierced mine. He bit down onto the dark chakra surrounding me, he seem to be putting his own chakra into it and repelled it. I stared in awe as he removed his jaws, and the chakra released me I fell onto the floor with a thud. My whole body, felt numb and ached at the same time. "What were you doing with her?" Kurayami asked in a threatening tone. I lifted my head up, to see Dokuro-sama dispell the Shi no Me. His eyes returning to their normal colour, and the dark chakra receding. I let my head drop, it hurt just moving a finger. "I mean no harm to Emiko." He said in a calm voice, he walked towards us I heard the leaves rustle beneath his Kimono as he walked. Kurayami hunched over me, obstructing Dokuro-sama from me. I felt his soft fur against my face, and I felt strangely comforted. Kurayami let out a warning growl, as he stared at Dokuro. "Emiko tell the wolf, I mean no harm." He said, "His right Kurayami." I replied. He lifted his body from me, but still stood close to me. His grey eyes never left, Dokuro's. "I am sorry, Emiko for pulling that fast one on you." He said in a soft voice, I wanted to look at his expression but I couldn't see anything from this angle. "I wanted to see, if you were capable of going into the third stage... Dark chakra if I could have made you feel, threatened... But alas..." He knelt beside me, and put his hand onto my chest. His hand glowed a purple chakra colour, like mine. "M-my colour is p-purple." I stuttered out, he nodded. "The amazing thing in our Kekkie Genkai, is our ability to absorb chakra." He finished and removed his hand, I lifted my body up into a sitting position. I stretched my arms out, everything felt normal again. "Our eyes were designed to, avoid fights. The Yamato-clan's ultimate goal is peace, the people of the clouds all desire it too." I couldn't help, but snort at the irony of it. " Shi no me...Deaths eyes or eye of death, we were so feared of our powers that people avoided us and gave us that title." He looked at me, his eyes lost their usual spark. "I really am sorry Emiko, I should have told you my intentions, I just wanted to...prove that you can accomplish it." He said in a gentle voice, he smiled at me. I smiled back, "I know I was right, about taking you in Emiko. You have such greatness coming ahead of you in your future I can see it all. You are a fool, ba great fool." He said as he walked away from me and walked towards the castle. "I left some scrolls for you, new jutsu's." He yelled as he entered the Castle. Dokuro-sama called me great... A great fool? "Are you okay...Emiko?" Kurayami's deep voice, asked me talking to him was like having a conversation with a earthquake. "Yeah I'm fine Kurayami." I beamed at him. He nodded and put his head, on my shoulder. "Awwww a doggy hug!" I exclamied while wrapping my arms around his thick neck. He nipped my ear, I yelped and let go of him. We walked towards the Castle, "So where did you go to today?" I asked him. He stopped walking and looked at me, he opened his jaw and then *poof* he disappeared. Did he just? Hang up on me? "Damn summoning animals ! And disappearing skills! Ahh!" I yelled into the night. "Shut up! Down there!" I heard Ken yell from his bedroom, I smirked at him. "You shut up in there!" I retorted at him.

I ran into the castle before he could throw stuff at my head.

I bolted into the castle and grabbed the railways of the stairs, I stopped in mid-motion. I wonder...I thought as I looked to my left, its been a while. Before I could even stop my body, my legs were already walking down the corridor. Turning left sharply, memories of playing with Ken, and Atsuko floaded my mind. Ken learnt the Transformation Jutsu, and he showed it to us. It came out as a epic fail, and Atsuko and I couldn't stop laughing at him. He chased us the entire day, throwing random objects at us. "Fun times", the cream coloured door was in sight, my hand was placed firmy on the Ebony door knob. I opened the door slowly, to prevent any noise being made. Feeling around the wall, for the light switch. "Ha!" I exclaimed as I found it, switching it on I was greeted by the Crystal chandelier. The crystals, looped and dropped at parts and it looked like rain drops. This was always the main feature, of the music room. My eyes scanned the room over, not much has changed piano in the corner, harps there and Guitar placed randomly in room. I walked towards the couch, and plopped myself onto it. "What the?" I asked, as I felt a jabbing sensation in my back. I pulled it out, and smiled seeing it was my old flute. Its been a while since I've been in this room, always training and tests and tasks. "Emiko dear, you have to learn an instrument its important for when you try and seduce a man." Ami chastised me. "Ami-sama, I don't really know how to play." I mumbled, she smiled at me and patted my back. "I'll teach you since you painting skills aren't uh...up to standards." She said politely, Aiko snorted from the corner of the room. "That child can't paint for shit." She said bitterly as she laughed and fell off her chair. I shook my head at the memory, its true I can't paint..but my stick-men drawings are legendary. Lifting the Flute to my lips, I began to play. The tunes were off-beat and sounded awful, but once I got the hang of started to sound like music. A door creaking open, stopped my concentration. I looked to see who it was, and there stood a pink fluffy gown with matching pink slippers. "Miko-chan I waited for you at dinner...but you didn't come." Atsuko said to me in a sleepy voice, aww she stayed up for me. "You didn't have to do that Suko-chan." I picked her up in one swift motion while switching the lights off with her feet. I teleported us, to my bedroom and put her on my bed. "Get comfy, I'm going to wash myself quick." She nodded her head, and started crawling under the blankets. Opening the bathroom door, and ripping my ninja outfit off I threw it with great skill into the washing basket. I turned the shower on, and waited for the water to heat up before entering it. Wrapping my hair into a quick bun, before jumping into the shower. The hot water hissed against my skin, relaxing my muscles. "This feels so good..." Lifting the soap, I began to wash myself. After finishing that, I rinsed my body then wrapped a towl around my body. My toes felt like ice, when it touched the tiled floor. "Miko-chaaan, hurry up." Whined a cranky Atsuko, "Yeah almost done!" I yelled back, brushing my teeth quickly I spat into the marble basin. I looked at my reflection, my blue eyes looked darker. I did the handsigns, and performed a genjutsu. My eyes turned back to its "normal" sky-blue colour. "That's better." Smiling to myself, I walked back to my bedroom. Atsuko was lying with her back towards me, her blonde her was sprawled all over my pillows. For a small person, she really is a bed hogger. Sighing to myself, I jumped into the bed wrapping my arms around her and trying to absorb her heat. I kissed her head before giving her a lazy, "Goodnight Suko-chan." I never expected her to say that, those two words that made me want to cry with joy. "Night Nee-chan." She replied to me, as she snuggled closer to me. Sister? She see's me as her big sister? I blinked back tears, and smiled before drifting off into my dream world.

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