Morning Joys

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I don't own Naruto, all its credit to their respective owners.

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*Chapter four*

I felt something warm, drip onto my forehead. I grummbled and rolled onto my side, trying to elude the source. I sighed in contempt, as I lied on my side. Enjoying the warmth from my, strangely firm bed. It wasn't long before, I felt the warm sensation dripping onto my face, it ran all the way down my forehead till my nose. I creaked an eye open, and found the source. I blinked, it blinked back and I let out a blood curling scream. "Shhh! Its just me!" Hideo whispered to me. I pushed his hand off my mouth, and wiped the liquid source off my face. "What is this? And EWWW its long! Oh my gosh, don't tell me this is your SPIT!" I yelled at him, while wacking him on the head. He fell off my bed, as a lump began to form on his head. "That's no way, to treat a cripple." He said bitterly to me, as he rubbed his head. Cripple? Is he retarded or something, his as healthy as an ox! I leaned over my bed, and looked at him. He looked like those Egyptian Mummies, as he was wrapped in bandages. Over his face. I laughed at him as I rolled around on the, hospital bed. "What?" He growled at me, as I shook my head trying to calm myself down. "N-nothing your outfit for today, looks quite intriging." I said in a sly voice, as he glared at me. "Yeah well, its got a matching leg too." He said as he stood up, unstably. I stopped laughing, and looked at him. True to his wordn his left leg was bandaged. I felt my stomach twist, in anxiety. "Hey don't sweat about it kid, at least I get a good week off from work." He said while winking at me, he grabbed a pair of crutches and walked over to the other side of the room. I stared at him, I know we were training and I as happy I wounded him...but I didn't really want him to be in this much pain.

"I'm sorry." I said while looking over at him, he shrugged his shoulders as he stared out of the window. I stood up, and walked over to him. My muscles screamed in protest, with every step I took...but...I wanted to stand beside him. I reached the window eventually, we both stood in silence as we watched the grass and trees shake, in the spring breeze.

Butterflies, danced outside of the window and some patients were lying around resting in the sun. The was trully breath taking though, the sun was lit in a bright orange colour, that's the one advantage of being in the air all the time. "The views are to die for." I spoke alloud, Hideo nodded in agreement. And we stood like that, in silence watching the sunrise.

I turned my head, and looked apon the blue hospital walls. A clock was nailed above the door, 07:25 am...well its still early. "Sunrise's are beautiful..." He said beside me, I leaned against the window. "Why you say that?" I asked him, while staring at his face. He seemed calm, and relaxed not scowling for the first time since we hanged out. "The sun...its imperfect...yet so perfect, the way it lights the world up and brings forth a new day. Its an unsaid blessing and curse, a curse because sometimes you wish it would all end..." He trailed off and his eyes locked with mine, he looked at me warmly. "The sun, its harsh yet at the same time its caring." He looked at me, then realised I was staring at him intensively and looked the other way. I smiled at him, "That's a beautiful way of looking, at life." I said to him, he looked back at me and raised an eyebrow. "It is! A very different and unique way though... You sound like someone who's been under the sun for too long... Just kidding just kidding!" I yelled as he glared at me, his normal frown returning on his face. I chuckled nervously, and rubbed my neck. Well...I totally killed the moment. "Do you know any summoning Justu's?" He asked me randomly. " really I've tried some but they when I'm drawing and I try so hard, but it always comes out like poop." I said in a depressed voice, while a dark cloud suddenly appeared over my head.

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