Skin deep. Read me like a book.

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- - - - - Chapter Ten - - - -

"Miko-chan, where are you going?" Ken asked me as I closed my bedroom door softly trying to sneak out. "Oh hahaha Ken-kun. I'm going to hang out with, an friend of mine." He crossed his arms, "So who's this girl?I'm sure I won't, bug you girls if I joined you I mean I enjoy your company." He thinks its a girl? What can't I be capable of making, guy friends??"Er yeah. I was planning on having a day with my friend." He still smiled at me, not getting the message. "Aloone time." Emphasising the "alone" part, walking down the corridor I took a sharp left. "Miko-chan I know you don't like the spring ball, and all." He said, as he stalked after me. "But I was wondering, if you know you could-"Look Ken-kun, I'm not going to help you ask some girl to the ball." Climbing down the staircase quickly, I bounced off the last step. "No that's not it, I know who I want to ask." "That's great Ken-kun, I'm sure she'd love to go with you." Opening the door, only to have Ken slam it shut and smile at me in a weird way. "Hahaha Miko-chan I really want to ask you something, I mean I was thinking about it and I'm sure that well...if you want I could, maybe when the ball comes along-"Spit it out Ken-kun." His eyes were focusing on his shoes, as he nervously leaned against the door. "Uhm..I was wondering if you?" Reaching behind him, and trying to open the door he slammed it shut again. "Hahaha Emiko-chan look." "Ken-kun just get to the point, I'm in a hurry." He blushed and shook, his head. "N-No I'll talk to you, when you get back home." He chuckled nervously, I nodded and nudged him aside and opened the door. Bolting out the door, I waved goodbye before telerporting back to the Leaf Village. "Ahh too much smoke!" Coughing, I tried fanning the smoke away. My stomach growled, "AHHH!" Clutching my stomach to try, and soften the noise. "I didn't eat this morning because of Atsuko-chan." Thanks Atsuko, thanks to our sleepover last night I overslept this morning and couldn't eat something. My stomach made, a dying whale sound as I walked. "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Forming the handsigns, I telerported into a house. Opening their fridge, I looked around for something to eat. My eyes popped out, "Bacon." Grabbing the bacon, and eggs I heated the stove and popped everything into the pan. The aroma of bacon, filled the kitchen. A cold knife was pressed against my throat, stopping my movements. I turned around slowly, and saw Sasuke clutching the Kunai against my throat. "Sorry." He removed the kunai, "I thought you were an intruder." Smiling at him, "That's okay, good senses." He gave me a thin smile, compared to my broad one. He sniffed about the room, his face contorted into confusion. Panicking I began to fan the room, trying to hide the smell of delicious bacon.

"Hahahahaha." I laughed nervously, as I hid the plate of food behind me. "What's that smell Emiko?" He asked, I smiled and shook my head. "Oh what? Huh? I don't smell anything, it must be some sort of flower blossoming nearby." "A bacon flower?" I nodded my head, "Yeah you know, their are new flowers being discovered daily and I think that you know.. I just walked into the Kitchen and the food was in the fridge, and I began cooking which is normal normal people cook and I-"Emiko calm down-"So I began to cook it, and you know-"Emiko..." I continued blubbering, "So yeah, the eggs flew into the pan and I was like "okay" I mean, if it wanted to be in the pan I was chilled with it. "Emiko shut-"So that's when I- A feeling of desire overcome my body, as Sasuke touched my

left ear.


*Seductive music*


"Sasuke-Kun.."My voice was soft, and silky as I leaned into his touch. He blushed, and removed his hand. Pressing my body against his, I cornered him against the stove as I pressed my torso against him. "S-a-s-u-k-e K-u-n" I sang to him, as I rubbed my chest against his. He blushed, and looked away. "Emiko-chan, calm down I-"Shh don't worry." Leaning down, I put my hands behind him. "Everything is all THAT'S FUCKING HOT!" I screamed, a my hands burnt from the stove plates. "AHHHHH!" I screamed, and ripped my hands from the stove. Sasuke, starred at me in horror, while I screamed and rolled about on the floor. "Help me, don't just stand their you asswipe!" He groped my body, as he rushed us towards the sink and let the water run over my, burning hands. "It hurts." I whined, he shook his head. "Why did you touch my ears!" "You wouldn't shut up, and they popped out while you were blabbering, so I used them as my advantage." Seething at him, I elbowed his chest. "OH THANK YOU! Next time you have a heart attack, I'll start feeling you up. Nope nope fine, BRING the sexual harassment courts." It was silent, as we stood their staring at each other. Then simultaneously began laughing, we ate the breakfast I made and chatted casually. "Bye Sasuke-kun!" I yelled before telerporting out of his house, and poofing myself into the centre of the Leaf Village. Stroking my full stomach affectionately, I began my gentle jog towards the training grounds. "Hey Miko-chan!" Kiba yelled, as I jogged past him. "Morning Kiba-kun!" I yelled while running, past them. "Morning tomato-chan!" I yelled at Hinata, she turned red and looked away. Cute man, waving them off I continued running. "Emiko-chan! My dear is, that you?" Coming to a complete holt, I searched for the owner of the voice. Meh..don't tell me I'm hearing stuff. "Emiko." Turning to my left, I saw Arisu-chan. She was wearing a blue Kimono, and had tons of make-up on. Probably looking for some toy-boys..."Morning Arisu-chan!" "Ahh Emiko, its nice to see you." We chatted for a while, before I excused myself and ran off. "EMIKO WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME!" She screamed, I just continued running. Oh shit I'm probably late now..."I'm going to be in so much shit." Lifting my head up, I ran at full speed. "Watch it kid!" A man piped."Hey, watch where you going!" Another civilian, yelled at me."Damn Ninja kids!" Jumping into the air, I used a air jutsu to catapult myself. "AAAHHH! I CAN FLY!" I screamed, while soaring into the air. The training fields were in sight, and so was my team. Gin was siting on a tree stump, while Renji stood beside him. "LOOK OUT!" Their heads snapped up, and stared in wonder. "AAAH!" My body went flying down, and collided with Renji. We went tumbling backwards, but luckily I landed on top. "Ouch Renji, what are you made out of iron?" Rubbing my cheek, as it smacked against his chest when tumbling. "Well sorry I didn't expect, you to come rocketing at me this morning." He replied, in a dry sarcastic voice. "Whatever. I'm on top, your not so I'm right." Pushing myself off my trusty steed, I stood up and lend him my hand. He took it roughly and pulled himself up. "Oh no here come's a huge fight..." Gin muttered, as he expected us to be at each others throats. Giving him a sly smile, while he stared at us wide eyed expecting a war to break loose. "Renji is Yoshio-sensei, here yet?" He sighed and shook his head. "The asswipe said be here by 5 am, yet he hasn't made his royal entrance." "Typical." I voiced, while staring off into the distance. So I flew here like rush-hour and this asswipe, isn't even here yet? A bright idea popped inside, my head. "Gin!Gin! Guess what!" I ran over to where he was sitting on the stomp, "I finally did it!" "Did what?" He asked confused. "This!" Biting my thumb, then doing the handsigns I summoned my katana."Check it out." Concentrating I filled my chakra all over it, engulfing the sword with it. Okay stage one done now for stage two. Concentrating on turning the chakra into lightning, my thoughts changed to when I arrived in the Leaf Village. Harnessing the thoughts, I felt the vibration on my sword the sound of birds chirping and static noise. Lifting my eyelids up, I saw the sword before me. "That looks so awesome..." Gin whispered as he peered over my shoulder. "I know.." I whispered back, "Why are we whispering?" Renji asked on my right shoulder. "Because! We don't wana scare it away!" Gin whispered back. Lifting my sword up, I brought it down hard. The stomp that was their disintegrated, and a hole was left in its place. "Mwahahaha all the power is MINE!" I began chopping down tree's, while Renji and Gin stared at me in shock. After cutting down 10 of them, I fell onto the ground exhausted. "Wow..that takes a lot of energy." Lying on the floor, I panted like a dog. "Emiko! Are you okay?" Gin yelled, as he ran towards me. I lifted my right hand up, and gave him a thumbs up. "I feel like, I got hit by a wall." Renji laughed, while Gin nudged him with his shoulder. "That's not funny she, could be seriously hurt after doing that!" "Ahh shut up she's fine, all she needs is rest and she'll be OKAY." The two of them. Had a glaring contest before Gin looked away. "Water..need water." Renji raised an eyebrow at me, while Gin reached behind him and gave me a bottle. I drank it greedily and thanked him, before falling onto my stomach and resting. "So." I dragged out, "Out of 10 how awesome was that technique?" The guys laughed at me, and shook their heads while I gave them a wide smile. "So what you guys wana do now?" I asked, I feel like sleeping -_- forever...

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