Sore thumb

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All I really want, is some votes? Is that so damn much?



-[Chapter 28]-

"Why not?"

"Are you ridiculous?"

"You'll blend in better."

"I'm not doing it."

"Its just temporary."

"No." I yelled. "That's final."

"Okay okay." Hideo said, putting the wig away. I sighed in relief.

Thank goodness, I thought he was going to make me wear that wretched thing.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, as he tackled me to the ground. "Nooo!" I anime cried, as he strapped the red wig, onto my head. "Come on Emiko, you stick out like a sore thumb!" I thrashed about. "I don't want to look tacky!" I wailed, as he put thick black glasses on me.

"There wouldn't guess, you are Yamato Emiko." He said, smiling at his "work."

"I hate you."

"Love you to." He said, pinching my cheek. I smacked his hand, and walked towards the bathroom.

"If you take it off-"Yeah yeah! You'll come cut me, I've heard it all." I snapped back, closing the bathroom door.

I sighed, slumping down the door.

Its been a whole week, of dodging in alleyways and hiding in the Pub. Walking towards the tiny mirror, I adjusted the wig. Pushing the glasses up the bridge of my nose, I prepared myself for the day.

Its been a long week of intense training, I've learned how to manipulate the wind...but I'm not proficient at it yet.

"Hoi! Yuna!" That's my new name, Hideo and I both decided on it. It was risky calling me, the lost princesses name. "I'm coming Ameruu!" Yeah, I named him after my brother. It was mutual, calling him that name because at times...It felt as if he was my brother.




"No matter how you try, that hair will still look like a red-bush." I ripped the door open, and glared at him. "Ahh brilliant! Your out, excuse me I need to take a dump." I scrunched my nose in disgust, and left the bathroom. "I'm going downstairs." I told him. "Be careful." He said, "Yeah yeah." Rolling my eyes, I opened the door.

Since Emiko was all smiles, and friendliness I had to be, the complete opposite. I set my practised scowl on my face, for some reason I felt like I'm Renji.

Two more weeks...and then I get to see them. Or die trying. Pushing that morbid thought away, I focused on climbing down the stairs.

A couple was making-out, there lips crashing against each other passionately. Ignoring the longing in my heart, I waltzed down the stairs. "Hey Red." Saka greeted me, he was the chef around here.

"Hey Saka." I greeted, and walked towards my usual seat.




"You know, the red clothing really brings out your hair." Did I mention, I changed my clothing? It was red, crimson red. I literally hit Hideo, for buying me this ugly outfit. It was a simple red dress, with slits on the side of my legs giving me room to kick.

I wore black shorts underneath it, because I'm not much of a fan, of flashing people. "The usual?" He asked, I nodded and stared out of the window. After ten minutes, he returned with bacon and eggs.

My ninja way - A Naruto love story *Where stories live. Discover now